LMD 2010 - History LMD-Tools

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Revision as of 00:48, 30 September 2009 by Fduch (talk | contribs) (Release 10.02 (XX-Sep-2009))

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This documents contains history logs for all LMD-Tools 2010 products (except LMD ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools packages).
First official release: 25-August-2009

Major version numbers are:
LMD-Tools 10.0, LMD BarPack 3.1, LMD ChartPack 2.1, LMD DockingPack 1.1, LMD FxPack 3.1, LMD RichPack 5.1, LMD SearchPack 4.1, LMD ShellPack 5.1, LMD SysPack 4.1, LMD StoragePack 3.1, LMD WebPack 5.1.

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

LMD-Tools / LMD Packs History Logs

Release 10.02 (XX-Sep-2009)

LMD Tools
[+] LMDHeaderControl separate component added
[-] LMDRegExpr - AV on exception handling (by unmatched parentesis syntax error) fixed
[-] LMDXML Fixed unicode variant conversions

[+] LMDFxImage: bitmap backgrounds support added (transparency on bitmapped backgrounds fixed)

LMD RichPack
[-] LMDRTFRichEdit: issue with loosing RTF format when loading large files fixed.

LMD DockingPack
[-] Following issue has been found and fixed: Improper dock panels Width/Height while loading it's child controls from dfm (e.g. while reading parent form).

LMD SysPack
[-] Fixed string information retrieving for unicode Delphi versions

Release 10.01 (08-Sep-2009)

LMD Tools
[*] LMDCaret: CanEnable property made published
[+] LMDCustomEdit: virtual method ShowCueBanner added
[-] CueBanner rendering fixed for backgrounded controls
[+] LMDCustomMaskEdit: AsInteger can now be used with MaskType = meMask
[-] LMDCustomMaskEdit: BTS#734 fixed
[+] LMDTaskDialogTemplate: Ctrl+C support added
[+] LMDCopyTextToClipboard global method added to LMDUtils
[-] LMDCustomSimpleLabel: AutoSize was broken - fixed
[-] LMDButtonControl: TLMDButtonControl.GetChange - HandleAllocated check added
[-] LMDSysIn: CaptionButtons on a form with BorderStyle=bsToolWindow did not work - fixed
[-] LMDCaptionButtons: AV in D2010 removed
[-] LMDCustomMemo: LoadFromStream and SaveToStream returned to Ansi until TLMDMemoStrings is replaced by TLMDMemoryStrings (or made its descendant)
[+] LMDBiTrackBar component added
[+] LMDBiProgressBar component added
[-] LMDDlgEx: Multiselect bug fixed

LMD SysPack
[-] TLMDSysNetwork IPList bug fixed (D2009)

LMD ThemePack
[-] LMDThemes* units: LMDThemeEngine division by zero for some msstyles fixed
[-] Trying to load Vista system theme caused AV on application start - fixed

LMD DockingPack
[-] The bug #0719: Wrong panel position while undocking of a panel on a Multi-Screen System has been fixed.

Release 10.0 (25-Aug-2009)

Initial Release.