LMD 2009 - History LMD-Tools
From LMD
This documents contains history logs for all LMD-Tools 2009 products (except LMD ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools packages).
First official release: 23-September-2008
Major version numbers are:
LMD-Tools 9.0, LMD BarPack 3.0, LMD ChartPack 2.0, LMD FxPack 3.0, LMD RichPack 5.0, LMD SearchPack 4.0, LMD ShellPack 5.0, LMD SysPack 4.0, LMD StoragePack 3.0, LMD WebPack 5.0.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
History Logs
LMD-Tools 9.X
Release 9.00.01 (XX-October-2008)
LMDHint: [-] Sizing for the case when icon or close button are shown fixed; [-] Gradient fixed; [-] HTML rendering over gradient background fixed.