LMD VCL 2017 - News
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LMD 2017 Minor releases: LMD 2017 History
Support for IDEs and operating systems
- Supports any Delphi/C++Builder VCL release version 6 or better (including new Delphi/C++Builder 10.1 Berlin).
- Including 64bit support for XE2 and higher! The next Delphi/C++Builder release will be supported almost immediately after public availability.
- Supported IDEs
- Delphi 6 and better
- C++ Builder 6 and better
- Delphi 2005.NET - Delphi 2007.NET
- Turbo (2006) Professional versions for Delphi, C++ and Delphi.NET
- All corresponding Studio Products (BDS 2006, CRS 2007, CRS 2009, RAD Studio 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4 etc.)
- Supported operating systems
- Win98 and WinNT4 or better (including Windows 7/8/10 or Windows Server 2016).
For recent Delphi/C++Builder releases LMD VCL package support same platforms as the VCL which is included in the IDE (e.g. Delphi 2009 officially supports Win2k or better only). [Top]
64bit support (Delphi XE2 and higher)
All packages were ported to 64bit.
Exception: Compatibility controls (dcllmdlegacy) can not be used in 64bit applications.
Package naming conventions
Sinde LMD VCL 2012 package names have been changed to be more consistent with VCL naming convention. LMD version number and IDE version number were removed from package names. Runtime package names are prefixed now with "lmdrt", design-time package names with "dcllmd". Some examples of generated package file names are: lmdrtdocking.dcp, lmdrtdocking.bpi, lmdrtdocking.lib, dcllmddocking.dcp, dcllmddocking.bpi, dcllmddocking.lib. IDE version suffix is still included in generated "bpl", e.g. lmdrtdocking_240.bpl for Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
This change simplifies porting projects (supposed they are compiled with run-time packages) to another IDE version. Since package references contain neither IDE version nor LMD platform version, migrating to a future IDE version requires almost no changes.
LMD 2017 DevUtil
The DevUtil tool (available for LMD VCL Complete customers with SVN access) was updated (e.g. with Delphi/C++Builder 10.1 Berlin support) and improved. It is now easier than ever to switch between different workspaces (sets of component packages), even leaving the current IDE is no longer required!
NG 2017 Complete included in any LMD VCL Major product
All major products (LMD VCL Complete, LMD-Tools, LMD IDE-Tools and LMD ElPack) include full license of NG Complete - our latest and most up-to-date VCL controls. Besides the already known NG ConnectionPack, SerializerPack, HTMLPack, DialogPack and ValidatorPack the brand new NG Drag&DropPack is included, which simplifies Drag&Drop operations within but also outside your projects enormously. [Top]
LMD 2017 Reg Utility
Since 2016 release NG Controls uses same license scheme like LMD VCL product line. Thus you can review on your machine available licenses for both LMD VCL and NG products via the RegUtility. Since version 2013 RegUtility installer copies all files to the %APPDATA%\LMD Innovative folder (instead of system folder in previous releases). As known from previous releases the new reg utilities recognize earlier license files (regardless whether they are stored in system or appdata folder), so that only one reg utility is required for current and previous licenses. [Top]
New subscription model and new customer area
We received some criticism for our old update policy (especially observing the very fast Embarcadero release cycle and our yearly updates).
Old update policy included free minor updates with same major version number - until next major release was available. We offered only for VCL Complete packages subscription models.
Following changes were introduced with 2016 licenses:
- Each full- or update purchase includes now a one year subscription (free-of-charge)
This one-year subscription refers to major version updates. If a new major version is released within subscription period, you'll receive automatically new version free of charge. VCL Complete customers will receive even fully new LMD VCL products released in subscription period.
- Minor updates with same major version number are handled like before:
These updates are always free of charge for all major (products LMD-Tools, ElPack, IDE-Tools, etc.) and standalone packs. These updates are placed in our protected download areas and can be downloaded free of charge - anytime (using your registration utility).
- What happens when subscription expires?
Subscription period refers only to the right receiving free major version updates.
If your subscription expires, your licenses behaves like before (free minor updates until next major release, perpetual use of the current license).
- How to renew
Renewals for existing licenses will be applied as extension period to the end of your previous subscription (for example, if your subscription expires 11-Dec-2016, renewing will give you updates until 11-Dec-2017). If your existing subscription has been expired for over three months, you will receive major updates for at least 9 months from the date of renewal. Please note that the term “subscription period” refers to major updates only. As usual product licenses never expire, minor updates with same major version number are always included free of charge and so on.
- Will I receive notification mails to renew?
We send you notification emails before subscription expires. If you don’t want to receive them, check your profile page and uncheck option “I want to receive mails about my licenses expiration”.
- Early renewal discounts and update pricingw
We honour early renewals. Check your profile page to receive personal offers. Within one year (after subscription period expired) you can renew your subscription for a special renewal rate. After that standard price applies. Upgrade orders (from pre-2016 releases) as known before (to start initial subscription period) will be possible until end of 2016.
To reflect new changes we introduced a new customer area, where customers can review and check license status at one single place.
Package Changes
[+] VCL Styles support has been improved in LMD-Tools and has been added to LMD ElPack, LMD GridPack, LMD TextPack, LMD IDETools, LMD HtmlPack.
[+] StyleElements property support has been added to all packs that support VCL Styles; for XE3-up.
Customizing Font and Background colors with VCL Styles using StyleElements property
AnyLogger Client
AnyLogger Client was part of LMD VCL package since release 2009, but for the 2017 release the application received several improvements and new features. For major packs installer (compiled versions of LMD VCL Complete, LMD ElPack, LMD-Tools or LMD IDE-Tools) the AnyLogger Client is now included in and installed into the \anylogger
subfolder and can be used from your applications without further downloads (see also LMD LogTools tutorial).
Here are several screenshots of this overworked version:
LogTools package provides methods to log any object at runtime to the AnyLogger console.
Sending screenshots of the current form or the full desktop can be achieved with one line of code.
LogTools packages does not only provide numerous methods to log typed objects (like String, StringList, ImageList, HTML strings etc.) but also more specialized functions like system information summary.
Full AnyLogger source code is included in all major standalone packs (full LMD VCL Complete is required to compile all parts out of the box) - so creating your own AnyLogger version with custom branding or additional features is quite simple. AnyLogger demonstrates also usage of LMD PluginPack which allows to add custom plugin viewers in a simple manner.
LMD Tools
[+] New LMDApplication methods: SendDataToPrevApp, RegisterDataReceiver and UnregisterDataReceiver, which allows to exchange custom data with pervious application instance.
[+] New TLMDOneInstance events: OnSendData and OnRecevieData to exchange custom data with pervious application instance; new TLMDOneInstance helper methods: WriteAppParams and ReadAppParams. New demo for TLMDOneInstance component, which shows custom data transfer:
[+] New TLMDClipboardMonitor component.
[+] New TLMDLabeledDateTimePicker control.
[+] New Xml format is now supported by TLMDIniCtrl component.
[+] New Alignment property to TLMDEdit.CustomButtons collection item class. So, buttons can now be aligned to the left or to the right side of an edit.
[+] Improved VCL Styles support including StyleElements property support
[+] New TLMDHexView control:
[+] New TLMDDBDateTimePicker and TLMDDBLabeledDateTimePicker db-aware controls:
[+] New TLMDValueListBox and TLMDValueComboBox controls, which provides additional string value associated with each item. Controls have Values: TStrings, and Value: string properties. Design-time support is also implemented:
[-] TLMDDBCalendarComboBox: Empty text in case of Null value, Ctrl+Del to set Null to the field.
[-] TLMDButton glyph transparency issue has been fixed.
[-] TLMDDateTimePicker: BeforeFormShow event has been added, which allow to customize drop-down calendar form.
[-] TLMDHtmlHeader: Section text alignment bug has been fixed.
LMD ElPack
[+] VCL Styles support as shown in following pictures:
[-] TElPageControl themes bug fix.
[-] Small TElTree destruction bug fix (WMKillFocus).
[-] TELXTree.OnMouseEnter/OnMouseLeave events has been added. OnHotTrack event bug has been fixed: now the event is raised with NewItem = nil when the mouse is moved from the point over the item to the point outside the control.
[-] TElTree bug has been fixed: The last line in the TELTreeStringGrid is only clickable in the small area in the right if the horizontal scrollbar is visible.
[-] Vertical Scrollbar obscures right-most column bug has been fixed.
[-] Left/Right Arrow Cursor Movement is determined by Index order and not Visible Column Order bug has been fixed.
[-] Fixing 1 column when the field 0 is in column 3 causes a blackened heading and no data bug has been fixed.
[-] TElInplaceEditor not working when adding a new item when dropped down bug has been fixed.
[-] Some more minor issues with re-ordered columns has been fixed.
[-] Multy-line hint in XTree header section
LMD DialogPack
[-] JSDialog: Expanded text visibility bug has been fixed.
LMD GridPack
[+] Improved VCL Styles support including StyleElements property support
[+] Notes about StyleElements: TLMDGrid already has advanced coloring support in VCL styles mode. Formerly, if some color property is set to system color, like clWindow, that color is transformed to the corresponding VCL style color; however, if the color property is set to explicit color value, like clRed, the color is used as is, even if VCL styles is turned on. So, StyleElements implementation, just disables this automatic color transformation to keep backward compatibility.
[+] TLMDScrollBoxExt: HorzScrollBar/VertScrollBar properties type has been changed to TLMDScrollBarObjectExt, which additionally provides read-only access to scrollbar's Min and Max properties and read-write access to Position property.
[+] Improved VCL Styles support as shown in following screenshots:
[-] TLMDCheckListComboBox bug with scrolling by mouse wheel in Windows 7 has been fixed.
LMD RichEdit
[+} Embedded graphics support in printing and preview via TLMDRichEditPrintTask (in connection with LMD-PrintPack):
[+] TLMDDBRichEdit: New property RTFInStringField has been added to allow to store rtf text data in string-based fields; please note that due to API limitation connected data-set will not be automatically set to Editing mode in case rich edit text is modified from the code.
[+] TLMDDBRichEdit: Painting in replicated mode (inside TDBCtrlGrid) has been improved.
Now formatted text are painted correctly.
[+] TLMDRichEdit: Embedded graphics support in printing and preview via TLMDRichEditPrintTask (in connection with LMD-PrintPack).
[+] New property RTFInStringField has been added to allow to store rtf text data in string-based fields; please note that due to API limitation connected data-set will not be automatically set to Editing mode in case rich edit text is modified from the code.
[*] Painting in replicated mode (inside TDBCtrlGrid) has been improved.
[*] HorzScrollBar/VertScrollBar properties type has been changed to TLMDScrollBarObjectExt, which additionally provides read-only access to scrollbar's Min and Max properties and read-write access to Position property.
[-] TLMDRichStorageItems memory leak has been fixed.
Changes/Enhancements since initial LMD VCL 2016 release
All packages
[+] Delphi/C++ 10.1 Berlin compatibility including new installers!
[+] Helpfiles for Delphi 10 Seattle added
[+] Customer area: Reset password does now work with both eMail address or userid (the specified eMail address in user area will be used in later case).
[+] C++Builder 10 Seattle: Installer for compiled versions add now folder for "new" compiler (Clang32).
[+] LMD 2016 SVN area opened for customers with SVN access data (check customer portal).
[*] Designtime Packages extended to support new helpfiles in Delphi 10 Seattle (in Help|3rd party menu).
[*] Customer portal: LMD VCL Complete user can purchase SVN add-on option
[*] Handling of SVN data was improved
[-] LMDPngImage: minor changes regarding memory handling.
[-] Source installer include now Delphi/C++Builder 10 option
[+] Color property has been added to TLMDButtonPanel.Buttons item class.
[+] DisableForVCLStyles property has been added to TLMDFormShadow component to automatically disable form shadow if VCL-Style based theme is active at the component loading time.
[+] New platform types (TLMDSysPlatform) for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 support
[+] New global variables for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 support
[-] DateTimePicker 24-Hour mode bug fix.
[-] DateTimePicker.AsDateTime property bug fix.
[-] MaskEdit changes and fixes
[-] TLMDDbMaskEdit bug fix. Now the edit can work with data fields with EditMask specified
[-] TLMDIniCtrl: MemIniUtf8 Boolean property has been added to allow to use Utf8 encoding with MemIniFile.
[-] TLMDCheckListComboBox memory bug has been fixed.
[-] TLMDTrackBar refresh/drawing problem fixed
[+] TLMDToolButton.Visible property has been added.
LMD DockingPack
[+] NEW FEATURE: Alpha blended shadow around floating form windows (extending the thin (one pixel) border in previous releases). Resizing of floating forms is now much more comfortable. The shadow (or glow) look is a part of the style, thus it can be customized by using the Style Editor.
[+] Several built-in styles (VS2012 based) were updated to use new shadow feature.
[*] TLMDDockStyle.GetElem method has been made public to allow dynamic style change.
[-] BREAKING CHANGE: TLMDDockManager.StayFloatFormsOnTop property is deprecated and is longer working. In previous releases this feature worked differently in older and newer IDE versions. Starting with release 2016.4, functionality is the same over all versions (like in latest VCL releases floating forms are owned (in Windows sense) by the main form, and always stay on top of it (without using WS_EX_TOPMOST flag).
[-] The bug with invalid layout changing, while minimizing initially maximized application's main form was fixed.
[-] Floating form glow bug has been fixed.
[-] Docking zones bug fix.
[-] The bug, which prevented finishing Windows session has been fixed.
[-] The bug "Cannot dock to floating panel when floating over another dock site" has been fixed.
[-] Floating form glow issue fix, happened while minimizing floating forms.
[-] A bug with parsing hex colors in older (non Unicode) Delphi versions was fixed.
[-] Several minor glitches in VCL Styles support were fixed.
LMD InspectorPack
[+] VCL Styles suppport for InspectorPack controls. Check the updated demo (XE2 and better)!
LMD RichPack
[-] TLMDRichEdit: A bug with line wrapping in (built-in) print functionality was fixed.
[-] Invalid PageMargins bug in TLMDRichEdit fixed, which occurred when printing rich edit content via its Print method.
LMD StoragePack
[+] TLMDStorINIVault: MemIniUtf8 Boolean property has been added to allow to use Utf8 encoding with TLMDStorINIVault.
[*] TLMDStorPropertiesStorage: Speed optimization for design-time editor.
[-] INI vault TStrings related bug fix.
LMD SysPack
[-] Access Violation exception bug during retrieving processor information was fixed.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElFileNameEdit initial directory bug fix
[-] TElSplitter bugs have been fixed.
[-] TElEdit flickering has been reduced.
[-] TElIniFile: reading long doubles bug has been fixed.
[-] Cutsomer Request: Handle Change of Count of Monitors.
[-] fsStayOnTop in TaskDialog customer request.
[-] TElXTree inplace editor bug fix.
[-] TElListBox: Drawing bug in DoubleBuffered drawing mode has been fixed.
[-] TElMenu positioning bug fixed.
[-] TElComboBox sorted items duplicates bug fixed.
[-] TElXCellButton right click exception bug fixed.
[-] TXElTree: Column width issue fixed (occured when column width was changed inside Items.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate)
[-] TXElTree: Bug with auto-size columns fixed (while adding data to TElXTree).
[-] TElXTree: Bug with auto-size columns and multiline cell text fixed.
[-] MD5 buffer bug fix.
[-] A bug with invalid anchors in TElCustomPanel descendant controls was fixed.
[-] TElXTree: Bug in ExplorerMode fixed.
[-] TElXTreeView.InitiateEditOp bug fix.
[-] TElComboBoxes: Additional check in WMKillFocus message handler added
[-] TElHeader: Small Unicode related bug with ElPack header hints was fixed.
[-] TElPromptDialog: DisableCustomCaption property was added.
[-] ElPageControl: Drawing bug in non-themed mode fixed.
[-] Icons in disabled Toolbuttons not drawn in gray bug has been fixed.
[-] Small theme-drawing of TElComboBox bug has been fixed.
[-] Flickering has been reduced in El(X)TreeStringGrid.
[+] VCL Styles suppport for InspectorPack controls. Check the updated demo (XE2 and better)!
[-] TLMDProjDocument.SaveToXml bug fix. Invalid "utf8" has been replaces to valid "utf-8".
LMD ScriptPack
[+] New wrapper files for Delphi 10.1 Berlin VCL
[+] TMemoryManager handling in ScriptPack is replaced to TMemoryManagerEx in appropriate Delphi versions.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Confirm dialog spell error fixed.
[-] Backward ReplaceAll with confirmation bug fix.
[-] View scrolling on Find/Replace actions will now avoid screen edges. Replace confirmation dialog has now 32 pixels margin from found text fragment, allowing users to overview replacing text context better.