LMD 2010 - History LMD ElPack

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Revision as of 20:58, 29 September 2009 by Fduch (talk | contribs) (Release 8.02 (XX-Sep-2009))

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This documents contains history logs for LMD ElPack 8.0 releases.
First official release: 25-Aug-2009

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

History Logs

Release 8.02 (XX-Sep-2009)

[-] ElStyleManager editor did not start - fixed
[-] ElXTree: mouse selection color fixed
[-] ElXTree: Draw order when HighAlphaLevel < 255 fixed
[+] ElXTree: Added PlusPosition which allows control of vertical position of plus/minus button
[-] ELMenuBar fixed BTS #740

Release 8.01 (08-Sep-2009)

[-] ElComboBox rendering with Style = csDropDownList in Vista was broken - fixed
[-] BTS#716: Properties AltButtonPngGlyph, AltButtonUsePng added for a number of controls
[-] ElPack Megademo compilability in B2007 fixed
[*] ElEdits: Call to AdjustHeight added in TCustomElEdit.CMCtl3DChanged
[-] ElEdits: OnChange doesn't called after pasting text from clipboard
[-] BTS#721 (ElMemo blink when typing) fixed
[-] LMDApplication.ThemeUseColorProperty handling in ElEdits was broken - fixed
[+] TWinControl descendants: DoubleBuffered property made published
[+] ElAdvPanel: ChangeScale method overridden for better scaling
[*] ElVclUtils: CopyTextToClipboard renamed to LMDCopyTextToClipboard and moved to LMDUtils
[-] ElPromptDlg: Ctrl+C did not work in ElPromptDialog - fixed
[+] ElPromptDlg: Caption, separators and button captions added to text copied to ClipBoard from ElPromptDialog
[+] ElXtree: MakeColVisible method added
[+] ElXTree: GetNextChecked and GetCheckedCount methods added
[-] ElListBox: BTS#727 fixed

Release 8.0 (25-Aug-2009)

Initial Release.