LMD 2007 - History LMD-Tools

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Revision as of 15:45, 15 January 2008 by Fduch (talk | contribs) (Release 8.04 (XX-Jan-2008))

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This documents contains history logs for all LMD-Tools 2007 products (except LMD ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools packages).
First official release: 10-Sep-2007

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

History Logs

LMD-Tools 8.X

Release 8.04 (XX-Jan-2008)

[-] BTS #585 (8.03.11)
[-] TLMDTaskDialog under Windows XP and earlier OS version ignored tdfPositionRelativeToWindow flag

Release 8.03.10 (06-Jan-2008)

[-] TLMDBaseEdit, search and replace fixed for searching from cursor while IsUpdating = true
[-] TLMDCheckBox/RadioGroup native transparency problem (Delphi/C++ Builder 5 and 6 only) fixed (more info: BTS #548).
[-] TLMDIconErrorProvider: Memory leak fixed

Release 8.03.00 (10-Dec-2007)

New Component
[+] TLMDEditControlPrintTask (PrintPack support)

TLMDBaseEdit, Search and Replace functionality:
[+] FoundAtPos method for getting first symbol of found string when IsUpdating=true;
[-] Search method ignored IsUpdating status, which caused scrolling and flashing when multiple search is performed - fixed;
[-] If the word is the last in file, search did not find it - fixed;
[-] Index out of bounds error in .net when S&R the last word - fixed;
[-] Search with WholeWords = true fixed.
[-] Triggering FOnAfterBrowse removed from DoOnBrowseClick method (caused the event being triggered twice).
[+] TLMDAssist
New Options flag - aoSuppressLoadEvent
Specifies whether OnBeforePage event should be generated when assist control is initially shown /loaded from DFM. Flag is set by default, if OnBeforePage event should be generated, disable this flag.
[-] TLMDPageControl
Problem in Multiline mode in certain cases fixed (two clicks required to activate tab).
[-] TLMDStatusBar: Repaint problem fixed
[*] TLMDTextEditDialog: Anchor settings for Ok/Cancel Buttons changed (better resizing behaviour)

Release 8.02.00 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support
[+] Unicode support improved
[+] .Net resource files restored and updated for CRS 2007 .NET support
[+] TLMDAssist: Changes to CustomStrings are now reflected in all situations.
[+] TLMDCustomSwitch and descendants: OnChange event added (triggered when enduser changes checked state)
[*] LMD TextPack: Several minor changes (e.g. many properties now with default values)
[-] Code fixed to use .net resources
[-] LMDHTMLUnit: Memory leaks fixed and AV when font tag is unclosed fixed
[-] Theme engine slowdown issue fixed for win2k and higher systems
[-] LMD TextPack: BTS #553 fixed.
[-] TLMDCustomButtonGroup and descendants: Font artefacts when switching Enabled State in non-standard alignment mode fixed.
[-] TLMDCustomButtonGroup and descendants: Designtime visual fixes.
[-] TLMDPanelFill: Fixed problem with missing csAcceptsControls flag.

Release 8.01.00 (15-Oct-2007)

TLMDApplication, TLMDApplicationCtrl
[-] LMDApplication.LogMaxsize: Bug with unclosed file handles fixed

[+] ItemParentFont added, font changing logic fixed;
[-] edges of section buttons color fixed for themed mode;
[+] CtlXP property published; themed rendering added;
[+] separate ItemFont property added;
[+] mousewheel handling added;
[+] cursors allow item scrolling and pageup/pagedown allow changing sections now.

TLMDCustomMaskEdit and descendants
[-] Bug caused impossibility of moving focus from empty LMDDBCalendarComboBox fixed.

[*] max color count is 65535 now.

[+] compatibility fixes (<s>, </s> added; background attr. added);
[-] <ol> list item's backgroundcolor issue fixed, other minor fixes.
[-] "HTML not valid" issue for ElTree when Image is not correctly set - fixed.

[-] Selection via cursor keys fixed;
[-] minor cosmetic fix (relative coordinates of dropdown list and edit field).

LMDSysIn Unit
[+] itTimeElapsedSinceBoot, itSysLastBootTime added to TLMDInfoType and GetSystemInfoString.

Release 8.00.50 (17-Sep-2007)

[*] Changes and fixes in shared runtime packages

LMD BarPack 2.X

Release 2.01.10 (06-Jan-2008)

[-] LMDExplorerBar: workaround added for slowdown issue in CRS2007 (Win32, Vista).

Release 2.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD ChartPack 1.X

Release 1.02 (10-Dec-2007)

[+] PrintPack support
[+] TLMDChartCTLine component
[+] TLMDChartPrintTask component

Release 1.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD FxPack 2.X

Release 2.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD RichPack 4.X

Release 4.03 (10-Dec-2007)

[+] PrintPack support
[+] TLMDRichEditPrintTask component

Release 4.02 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

Release 4.01 (17-Aug-2007)

[-] TLMDRichEdit: ReplaceTextExt and FindTextExt methods for C++ Builder support restored.

LMD ShellPack 4.X

Release 4.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD SearchPack 3.X

Release 3.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD SysPack 3.X

Release 3.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD StoragePack 2.X

Release 2.01.10 (06-Jan-2008)

[*] TLMDStorFormStorage: Minor change for better support of MDI forms in connection with TLMDBack/TLMDFormFill

Release 2.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support

LMD WebPack 4.X

Release 4.01 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET support