LMD 2022 - History
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[hide]- 1 Introduction
- 2 Release 2022.11 (11-August-2023)
- 3 Release 2022.10 (23-July-2023)
- 4 Release 2022.9 (07-May-2023)
- 5 Release 2022.8 (28-February-2023)
- 6 Release 2022.7 (12-December-2022)
- 7 Release 2022.6 (14-October-2022)
- 8 Release 2022.5 (07-September-2022)
- 9 Release 2022.4 (20-July-2022)
- 10 Release 2022.3 (23-May-2022)
- 11 Release 2022.2 (19-Apr-2022)
- 12 Release 2022.1 (04-Apr-2022)
- 13 Release 2022.0 (15-Feb-2022)
This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2022 products.
First official release: 15-Feb-2022
LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DialogPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit. Besides that since 2021 release all NG packs are included in the LMD VCL line.
Read here summary of all changes in LMD VCL 2022.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
Release 2022.11 (11-August-2023)
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDFileCtrl: File size bug fix (type changed from LongInt to Int64).
LMD ElPack
[*] SEC_NOCACHE flag disabled (in CreateFileMapping calls) for better virtualization/emulation support (x86 emulation on Windows ARM systems/VMs).
Release 2022.10 (23-July-2023)
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDInputDlg: dialog layouting bug, in case when MultilinePrompt = True.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElDbEdit, TElDbButtonEdit: Copy/Paste via hotkeys or context menu now properly turn the linked dataset into editing mode.
LMD ScriptPack
[-] Access Violation in ConvToVar when creating new objects bug fix.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] EditView.SearchLastReplaceCanceled bug fix.
[-] TLMDEditColorSchemeDialog: Access violation on loading invalid XML fix.
LMD ShellPack
[-] TLMDShellList: x64 bug fux.
Release 2022.9 (07-May-2023)
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDProgress: Drawing bug fix.
[-] TLMDHint: Layouting bug fix.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElPageControl: GDI resources leak buf fix.
[*] TElExplorerBar: Disabling unsupported by Delphi VCL-Styles.
LMD DockingPack
[*] Panel.OnHeaderPopup event is now raised even if Panel.HeaderMenu = nil to allow custom behavior.
LMD ScriptPack
[-] Native languages try/except bug fix.
LMD ShellPack
[-] TLMDShellList: x64 bug fix
Release 2022.8 (28-February-2023)
[*] Packages for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria were compiled and tested against the latest 11.3 update
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDMaskEdit: Currency settings symbol bug fix.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElCurrencyEdit: LinkedControl moving bug fix.
[*] TElComboBox: Showing vertical scroll-bar when Items.Count is big, and DropDownCount property value specifies more items than can fit on the screen.
LMD SysPack
[-] TLMDSysWindowsObject: Windows 11 product name bug fix.
Release 2022.7 (12-December-2022)
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDCaptionButtons: Invalid layouting in Delphi 11 bug fix (GetSystemMetrics in different IDEs).
[-] TLMDComboBoxExt, TLMDListBoxExt: High DPI scaling related fixes. Support for Delphi 11 DPI-aware form designer.
[-] TLMDHint: Sizing and large html-text flickering fixes.
[-] TLMDTrayIcon: Doubling popups hints in Win10/11, when Animated = True bug fix.
LMD ElPack
[+] TElSpinEdit: New ApplyMode property, which allow to defer the conversion of the typed Text to integer Value until OnExit.
Release 2022.6 (14-October-2022)
LMD Tools
[+] Windows Server 2022 detection.
[-] TLMDHint: Long hints positioning bug fix.
[-] TLMDHint: MaxWidth in HTML mode bug fix.
LMD RichPack
[-] x64 bug fix (dwCookie callback parameter type).
[-] Small C++ related bug fix (replacing ULARGE_INTEGER with UInt64).
LMD DialogPack
[+] TJSDialog: New MaxContentHeight property. Auto constraining dialog content height to 80% of the screen height.
LMD ShellPack
[-] TLMDshellList - Preserving column sizes (DefaultColumns = True) while updating.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[+] SyntaxEdit: New TLMDEditView.SearchLastReplaceCanceled property, which allows to determine whether the replace operation has been canceled by the user via confirmation dialog's Cancel button.
Release 2022.5 (07-September-2022)
[*] Packages for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria were compiled and tested against the latest 11.2 update
LMD Tools
[+] Windows Server 2022 detection.
[*] TLMDCheckListDlg: Up to 64 items support by changing Value and DefaultValue property types to Int64.
[*] TLMDWindowProc: Finalization workaround for Halt before Application.Run case.
[-] TLMDListBoxExt: Scrolling related fixes.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElXTree: Virtual mode cell checkboxes click fix.
Release 2022.4 (20-July-2022)
LMD Tools
[*] TLMDTaskDialog: redeclaring the TLMDTaskDlgIcon type and changing icon kind names: tdiWarning -> diWarning, tdiQuestion -> diQuestion, etc. to prevent conflicts with standard TTaskDialogIcon type.
LMD RichPack
[-] Removing std Windows _FILETIME, _LARGE_INTEGER AND _ULARGE_INTEGER declarations to prevent conflicts in C++.
LMD Docking
[-] DockPanel.Release bug fix.
[-] Fixes related to latest IDEs (D10.4 and D11) VCL Styles changes.
NG DialogPack
[+] Disabling dialog emulation mode at design-time for new IDEs.
LMD ElPack
[*] TElXTreeItem.Tag type has been changed to NativeInt.
Release 2022.3 (23-May-2022)
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDCalculator: New BtnWidth and BtnHeight properties.
[+] TLMDCalculatorComboBox: Adjusting drop-down calculator font sizes to fit the combo box font sze.
[-] TLMDButton: design-time styling bug fix.
[-] TLMDButton: virtual image list issue woraround.
[-] TLMDHeaderListComboBox - Header sections font size bug fix.
[*] IDE-Tools: Moving service provider DCR files away from the run-time package unit.
LMD DialogPack
[-] TJSEditDialog: New etMaskEdit edit type. NewEditProperties.Mask property.
[-] TJSDialog: Performance optimization for long text messages (TJSCaption.PaintCaption, LTextHeight, SplitForWrapping).
[-] LMD-Dialog: Fixing some layouting issues in case big fonts are used in for password dialogs (password, confirm password, change passwrod).
LMD ShellPack
[-] ShellPack: Empty caption in shell actions bug fix.
Release 2022.2 (19-Apr-2022)
[+] All installers were updated and fixed a problem which required system restart even for first time installation.
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDHint: New CancelHint method. VCL Styles related fixes.
Release 2022.1 (04-Apr-2022)
[+] New component icons for DockPack, GridPack, ScriptPack and TLMDServiceProvider components.
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDStatusBar design-time but fix.
[-] LMDMessageBoxDlg.ShowMessage dialog height bug fix.
[-] Window hooks access violation bug fix.
LMD RichPack
[-] RichPack: C++ headers bug fix.
[-] TLMDRichSyntaxEdit: WordWrap default value bug fix.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] CSS scheme modification (@media support).
Release 2022.0 (15-Feb-2022)
First official release.