LMD 2021 - Compiler Switches

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LMD VCL Packages

The following global compiler switch include file is used for all LMD VCL packages:
The file is located in lmdrtl subfolder or the main source folder. The following sections describe the use and functionality of supported compiler switches.

General switches

  • LMDDISABLE_OLEINIT - Comment this to disable OleInitialize in initialization section. Default: OFF

Debug switches

  • LMD_DEBUG - Use this switch to enable/disable Debug settings for compiler. Default: OFF
  • LMD_DEBUGTRACE - Required internally for special debugging purposes. Default: OFF
  • LMD_DEBUGMESSAGES - Enables or disables output of debug messages. Default: OFF

Themes related switches

No longer available. Check LMD 2009 Theme Engine for more info.

ElPack related switches

  • LMD_ELUNISCRIBE - Uniscribe support: comment this switch, to disable Uniscribe support. note: feature is in alpha stage and not available for all controls. Default: OFF
  • LMDDISABLE_ELTOOLBAR_SETUP - Disables TElToolBar.Setup method that show the dialog that lets user re-arrange and show or hide controls on toolbar. This method is hidden by default to make less executable. Default: ON
  • LMDDISABLE_ELHEADER_SETUP - Disables TElHeader.Setup method that show the dialog for sections in ElHeader object. This method is disabled by default to make less executable. Default: ON

LMD NG Packages

The following global compiler switch include file is used for all LMD NG packages:
The file is located in ngcommon subfolder or the main source folder. The following sections describe the use and functionality of supported compiler switches.

Debug switches

  • NG_DEBUG - Use this switch to enable/disable Debug settings for compiler. Default: OFF
  • NG_DEBUGTRACE - Required internally for special debugging purposes. Default: OFF