LMD 2015 - History
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This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2015 products.
First official release: 15-Sep-2014
LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DialogPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
Release 2015.6 (08-July-2015)
All packages
[+] Along with XE8 helpfile installer help file menu items in IDE (XE8 only) for LMD help files were added.
LMD Tools
[-] Fixed: TLMDButton drawing bug with enabled VCL Styles (XE2 and better)
LMD ElPack
[+] TElXTree: OnCtlClick, OnCtlDblClick, OnCtlMouseDown, OnCtlMouseMove, OnCtlMouseUp
events added
[-] TElScrollBar: Step property in keyboard mode bug fix.
[-] TElXTree: Problem with UseXPThemes property fixed.
LMD DialogPack
[-] Buttons width calculating bug fixed.
LMD DockingPack
[-] GDICheck call is removed from BitBlt to work around the bug happens when user sessions are changed (e.g. in RDP scenarios).
LMD GridPack
[+] OnGetCellColor event has been published in TLMDDBGrid control class.
[-] Display problems with 3rd-pary in-memory datasets were fixed.
LMD ScriptPack
[-] Small bug related to Lua Script engine fixed.
[-] Hello Workd demo updated
Release 2015.5 (27-Apr-2015)
All packages
[-] Fixed: LMD VCL Configuration dialog could not be started on older Delphi releases (e.g. Delphi 7).
LMD Tools
[+] Tab processing (using <tab> syntax) has been added to the HTML rendering engine.
LMD DockingPack
[+] Additional parameters have been added to TLMDDockSite.DockControl method. ATabIndex parameter allows to specify newly created tab index. ASelectPage parameter specifies whether new tab should be selected in the tab zone as a Zone.SelectedPage.
[-] The bug with invalid drag point while dragging floating forms has been fixed.
[-] OnUndock site's event bug has been fixed; now, the Target will be set to nil, if the the dragging point is on the site, but not on the hot-spot.
LMD ScriptPack
[-] Bug with invalid script logic (or/and expressions with in-complite boolean evaluation) in NativePascal/NativeVB languages was fixed.
[-] Minor fix (missing unit added) for HelloWord script demo.
Release 2015.4 (07-Apr-2015)
All packages
[+] Delphi/C++ XE8 compatibility including new installers!
[+] More correct background color is now used instead of clInfoBk as a default hint color; the color is calculated averaging drawed theme part pixels.
[*] Internal managing of hint windows has been redesigned.
[-] The bug with usage of several TLMDMessageHint components in one project has been fixed.
[-] TLMDComboBox drawing bug, related to Style = csSimple, has been fixed.
LMD ElPack
[+] CalendarFormColor and CalendarFormFont properties have been added to TElDateTimePicker control; overall control look has been improved.
[+] More correct background color is now used instead of clInfoBk as a default hint color; the color is calculated averaging drawed theme part pixels.
[-] The bug with drawing themed TElTree and TElXTree checkboxes in latest IDE versions has been fixed.
[-] TElMouseHint size calculation bug has been fixed.
LMD Grid
[+] OnCanEdit event has been added to TLMDGridColumn class.
LMD ScriptPack
[+] New wrapper files or Delphi XE8 VCL
[-] NativeVB memory leaks bugs has been fixed.
LMD DialogsPack
[-] TJSDialog bug has beend fixed: loading simple text (txt) from file is now works.
Release 2015.3 (19-Jan-2015)
[-] TLMDMathParser: Memory Leaks removed.
[-] TLMDWndButtonShape: Problem with TLMDWndButtonShape controls (AV when clicked, application end) fixed.
[-] TLMDCustomShapeButton: Bug, related to painting of invisible button has been fixed.
[-] TLMDDateTimePicker: am/pm bug has been fixed.
LMD DialogPack
[-] Bug fix, related to showing header image of a floating tabbed document panel.
LMD ElPack
[+] OnImageNeededEx event has been added to TElHTMLPanel control.
[+] ThumbColor property has been added to TElCtrlScrollBarStyles class.
[+] TElFolderDialog: New property EnableCustomButton added.
[-] TElMenu bug, related to X64 platform has been fixed.
[-] TElTree and TElXTree bug, related to drawing of check-boxed and radio-buttons with VCL styles turned on, has been fixed.
LMD Grid
[-] Design-time bug fix.
LMD PrintPack
[+] LMDPrinter: New variables for Header/Footer templates ([Date] and [DateTime] added to existing variables ([Page], [PageCount], [Title])
[*] TLMDPrintPageDialog: No longer Assert message is raised when poDisablePagePainting flag in Options property is set and no events are assigned to custom drawing events.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[+] MaxHorizScroll property has been published in TLMDEditView control.
Release 2015.2 (13-Nov-2014)
Common Runtime
[*] LMD VCL Configuration dialog updated (Info section)
[*] Review of code for 64bit related changes
[-] Current ThemesManager object (if one is set) is now released when application is closed.
[-] TLMDEdit.PasswordChar bug fix (changing Text property changed PasswordChar value). This problem occured exclusively on C++Builder 7 only.
LMD DialogPack
[-] C++Builder compilation errors fixed [E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly]
LMD DockingPack
[+] OnAlignInsertBefore and OnAlignPosition events added (when supported by VCL)
LMD StoragePack
[-] TLMDStorFormStorage: Save method in manual mode (AutoLoad/AutoSave disabled) works now correctly. In previous releases manual Save method call did not store anything.
[-] TLMDStorINIVault: Missing initialization of pointers added.
LMD ElPack
[*] TElDateTimePicker: Change in cursor settings behaviour
[-] TElCurrencyEdit: Fixed - depending on Scale/PixelsPerInch settings, display was cut off (on the right side)
[-] TElPanel: When BorderSides property is enabled, alignment of inner controls is now correctly adjusted.
[-] TELXTree: Cell selection bug (provided by abb).
[-] TElXTree Copy/Paste in IDE caused AV when cells contained HTML text or HTML style was enabled.
Release 2015.1 (25-Sep-2014)
Common Runtime
[-] Critical bug with TLMDPngImage (causing TLMDPngImageList to fail loading images from streams) fixed.
[-]TLMDPNGImageList/TLMDGraphicList Component Editors reworked (modeless -> modal dialogs). Solves AVs in IDE when using TLMDPNGImageList/TLMDGraphicList controls after editor was executed.
LMD DockingPack
[+] TLMDDockPanel: New virtual DoActiveChanged method added.
[-] LMDSysIn.pas: Header problems with C++Builder fixed
LMD SysPack
[-] TLMDSysMemoryObject: Header problems with C++Builder fixed
[-] TLMDSysMemoryObject: String conversion problem for display of memory size (were converted to 32bit) fixed.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Pascal Scheme modified (IgnoreCase attribute enabled).
LMD ElPack
[-] TElXTree: Problems with OwnStyle definitions in 64bit projects solved (caused DFM loading errors in 64bit applications.
Release 2015.0 (14-Sep-2014)
First official release.