LMD 2020 - History
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[hide]- 1 Introduction
- 2 Release 2020.10 (27-Feb-2021)
- 3 Release 2020.9 (07-Dec-2020)
- 4 Release 2020.8 (17-Nov-2020)
- 5 Release 2020.7 (25-Sep-2020)
- 6 Release 2020.6 (01-Aug-2020)
- 7 Release 2020.5 (30-Jul-2020)
- 8 Release 2020.4 (25-June-2020)
- 9 Release 2020.3 (27-May-2020)
- 10 Release 2020.2 (17-Apr-2020)
- 11 Release 2020.1 (06-Apr-2020)
- 12 Release 2020.0 (25-Mar-2020)
This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2018 products.
First official release: 25-Mar-2020
LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DialogPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
Release 2020.10 (27-Feb-2021)
[*] Binary releases for 10.4 were compiled against the latest 10.4.2 release.
[-] Workaround for DrawThemedText bug in VCL, which affected many LMD controls.
[-] TLMDComboBox: button width bug fix (high DPI).
Release 2020.9 (07-Dec-2020)
[-] TLMDComboBox: button width bug fix (high DPI).
[-] TLMDEdit/TLMDMemo: right click cursor repositioning bug fix.
LMD ElPack
[-] ElXTree: Mouse wheel bug fix (when UseCustomScrollBars = False)
LMD DockingPack
[-] FinalizeDIB bug fix.
[-] IDE-Tools: small x64 compatibility fix (TLMDPicturePropEditor).
Release 2020.8 (17-Nov-2020)
[-] x64 compatibility fixes.
[-] TLMDEdit: Upper-case and lower-case Unicode compatibility fix.
[-] TLMDInputDlg focused control bug fix.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElDbBtnEdit: ReadOnly bug fix.
[-] TEIPopupButton: VCL Styles glyph/text layouting bug fix.
[-] ElPageControl: VCLStyles tab layouting bug fix.
LMD DockingPack
[-] x64 compatibility fix.
[-] Memory management bug fix.
LMD ShellPack
[-] TLMDShellList: New folder renaming mode bug fix.
LMD RichPack
[-] TLMDRichLabel internal AV bug fix (FastMM 5, VCLStyles, Align)
Release 2020.7 (25-Sep-2020)
[*] Resource strings units adjustments.
[+] TLMDInputDialog: Autosizing (when Width = 0), new PromptPos, EditWidth and MinEditWidth properties. Dialog layouting reimplementation.
[-] TLMDCheckBox and TLMDRadioButton: high-dpi related fixes.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElDbButtonEdit.ReadOnly bug fix.
[+] TLMDComponentBar: New Page.Visible property.
LMD DockingPack
[+] New TLMDDockSite.AutoHideOptions property with [ahoShowOnClick, ahoShowOnHover] options.
Release 2020.6 (01-Aug-2020)
This fix covers all packages with visual controls. Problem happens in Delphi/C++Builder 10.4 at designtime only (and is likely to be fixed with the next RAD Studio Service Pack), which is caused by a bug in the IDE (introduced by the new changes in VCL Styles architecture) which results in strange effects like in the following image (inner buttons are not shown):
Though problem exists only at designtime we created a work around for this issue till it is solved by EMBT.
For all other supported IDEs download of this service pack is not required.
Release 2020.5 (30-Jul-2020)
[*] Installer of registered versions: If no license file is found, location of license file can specified and license file will be copied to correct location.
[*] LMD DevUtil (LMD GIT user only): Enhanced file error messages
[-] TLMDMaskEdit negative currency mask bug fix.
[-] TLMDObjectStorage component editor bug fix.
LMD WebPack
[-] TLMDMAPISendMail memory leak fix.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Search next (F3) after realoading document text bug fix.
Release 2020.4 (25-June-2020)
[-] TLMDBevel bug fixes: minor drawing correstions, control invalidation (TLMDCustomBevelPanel and descendants), bevel assignment fix (design-time).
[-] TLMDObjectStorage component editor bug fix.
[-] DPI bug fix in TLMDWindowListDlg.
[-] Unicode related fixes for TLMDCSV2DBImport.
LMD ElPack
[-] * TElListBoxStrings.Assign bug fix.
Release 2020.3 (27-May-2020)
[+] RAD Studio 10.4 (Sydney) support added for all products.
LMD ScriptPack
[+] Importer files for 10.4 (Sydney) updated.
Release 2020.2 (17-Apr-2020)
[-] Because of recent OS updates the uninstaller may have been be blocked (UAC: This app has been blocked for your protection). All LMD 2020 installers were updated to prevent this problem.
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDTextEditDlg: New CustomButtonWidth property.
Release 2020.1 (06-Apr-2020)
[*] DevUtil design update.
LMD Tools
[+] New TLMDGlyphPanelFill control.
[+] TLMDIniCtrl: pAppData/pAppDataLocal identifiers to IniPrefix.
[+] TLMDTextEditDlg: New Width and Height properties.
[-] LMD-Edit: SelStart reset bug fix (enter via tab into mask-edit case).
LMD ElPack
[*] TElShellList: Speed improvements for display of folders with huge amount of files.
LMD DockingPack
[-] Mouse capture loss workaround (based on timer).
[-] Invalid font size in floating forms in high-dpi mode. Fixed.
LMD ShellPack
[-] TLMDStarter close handle related bug fix.
Release 2020.0 (25-Mar-2020)
First official release.