LMD 2019 - History
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[hide]- 1 Introduction
- 2 Release 2019.12 (28-Feb-2020)
- 3 Release 2019.11 (08-Jan-2020)
- 4 Release 2019.10 (20-Nov-2019)
- 5 Release 2019.9 (31-Jul-2019)
- 6 Release 2019.8 (18-Jul-2019)
- 7 Release 2019.7 (15-May-2019)
- 8 Release 2019.6 (02-May-2019)
- 9 Release 2019.5 (19-Mar-2019)
- 10 Release 2019.4 (08-Mar-2019)
- 11 Release 2019.3 (05-Feb-2019)
- 12 Release 2019.2 (16-Jan-2019)
- 13 Release 2019.1 (05-Dec-2018)
- 14 Release 2019.0 (26-Nov-2018)
This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2018 products.
First official release: 26-Nov-2018
LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DialogPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
Release 2019.12 (28-Feb-2020)
[-] LMDCabDeCompress - x64 bug fix.
[-] Styleelements property is published for several label controls.
LMD ElPack
[-] Html controls OL numbers background bug fix.
[-] TElShellList: New OnExecute event for custom item execution.
[-] TElShellComboBox: RefreshItems method has been added.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Dialogs DPI bug fixes (e.g. Find/Replace dialog).
Release 2019.11 (08-Jan-2020)
LMD ElPack
[-] ElXTree small owner-draw bug fix.
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDFormOpenDialog: Selection of muliple files with spaces in names bug fix.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Addict related performance issue fix.
[-] #pragma link "usp10.lib" for Uniscribe library linking in C++.
Release 2019.10 (20-Nov-2019)
[*] Forms (Dmfs) compatibility with older Delphi version (Delphi 6) rework.
LMD Docking
[-] Child controls handle recreation bug fix.
LMD GridPack
[*] Fixes for OnClick/OnDblClick events. OnClick event no more denote current row/column change (use OnChange event instead).
[-] Lookup chooser automatic selection bug fix (in auto-generateed columns).
LMD ElPack
[*] Loading old HeaderSections (from dfm) bug workaround.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Small Html scheme bug fix (dash symbol in tags).
Release 2019.9 (31-Jul-2019)
[*] Binary 10.3 (Rio) package was compiled against latest update 10.3.2. Make sure you updated your Delphi/C++Builder 10.3 package to latest update as well to use 2019.9 release.
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDFormOpenDialog: VCL Styles related bug fix.
[-] SyntaxEdit: Small Html scheme related bug fix (</script> closing tag coloring).
LMD GridPack
[-] TLMDDBGrid: The bug, releated to opRangeSelected option has been fixed.
Release 2019.8 (18-Jul-2019)
[+] Delphi/C++Builder 10.3.2 support
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDToolBar: DPI scaling of buttons.
[-] TLMDStatusBar: db-filtered state bug fix.
[-] TLMDSpeedButton and TLMDToolBar: glyph related bug fixes (in cases when image is provided by linked Action).
[+] TPicture property editor.
LMD GridPack
[-] Scrollbar: bug fix (DataSet.Active := False; DataSet.Active := True).
[-] TLMDDbGrid: DPI scaling bug fix.
LMD RichPack
[+] Resource strings for changing dialog and button captions of TPicture property editor dialog.
[-] Rich editor design-time dialog bug fixes.
[-] Syntax highlighting bug fixes in rtf syntax editor.
Release 2019.7 (15-May-2019)
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDButton: Glyph related bug fix.
[-] TLMDSpeedButton: Glyph related bug fix.
[-] TLMDPageControl: Vertical tabs text and background drawing fixes (using Styles).
LMD InspectorPack
[+] TPicture property editor (editor as demonstrated in demoproject was moved into package and is now registered by default).
LMD RichPack
[*] TLMDRichSyntaxEdit: Syntax highlighting bug fix.
Release 2019.6 (02-May-2019)
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDStatusBar: OS and VCL-Styles visual appearance improvements.
[+] TLMDStatusBar: new panel kinds: spCapsLock, spNumLock, spScrollLock, spDateTime.
[+] TLMDStatusBar: Data-aware panels: spDBState, spDBField.
[+] TLMDExplorerBar: StyleElements support have been added.
[+] TLMDFontSizeComboBox: new FontSizes property in which a comma separated list of custom font sizes can be specified.
[*] TLMDStatusBar: OldStyle property is no longer default property (but can be enabled when required).
[-] TLMDSpeedButton & TLMDButton vitual image list workaround.
LMD ElPack
[+] TElDateTimePicker: New UnassignedText property.
[+] TElCurrencyEdit, TElFloatSpinEdit: New DecimalSeparator and UseSystemDecimalSeparator properties have been added.
[-] TElCheckItem small bug fix.
[-] TElDateTimePicker: Bold/Italic font styles layouting bug fix.
[-] TElCellCheckBox: long text clipping bug fix.
[-] SyntaxEdit: CSS syntax scheme bug fix.
Release 2019.5 (19-Mar-2019)
LMD Tools
[+] New Timeout (in milliseconds, zero - means no timeout) property and OnTimeout event (allow to redefine timeout ModalResult, including mrNone support) for TLMDInputDlg component.
[+] Added support for Detect Windows Server 2019 in LMDSysIn unit.
[-] Minor fixes for MegaDemo.
LMD ElPack
[-] VCL styles related TElPanel border drawing bug fix.
[+] New ClipboardOptions property in designer, which allow to disable cut/copy/paste operations.
Release 2019.4 (08-Mar-2019)
[-] Shared: x64 compatibility fixes.
LMD ElPack
[-] ElXTree.HeaderSections.BeginUpdate doesn't prevent the tree from updating on the screen bug fix.
[-] ElTree item editor color combo boxes bug fix.
[-] ElMemo scrollbars drawing bug fix.
[-] TCrMD5.MD5_Hash_File works only if file isn't read-only bug fix.
LMD Tools
[-] TLMDPNGImageList design-time editor bug fix: incorrect images drawing in images list.
[-] LMDProgressBar: Bevel.StyleOuter default value dfm saving bug fix.
[-] LMDStatusBar: Refreshing control after Panel.Bevel change bug fix.
LMD ScriptPack
[-] x64 related modifications.
[-] Global const memory leak bug fix.
LMD DockingPack
[-] Floating forms maximization in high DPI multi-monitor systems bug fix.
Release 2019.3 (05-Feb-2019)
More accurate design-time dialogs theming for Delphi 10.3. Including full re-layouting:
- LMD Tools
- LMD GridPack
- LMD RtfPack
- LMD ShellPack
- LMD SysPack
- LMD SearchPack
- LMD BarPack
- LMD StoragePack
- LMD FxPack
- LMD ChartPack
LMD ElPack
[-] Wrong popup menu positioning on multimonitor systems bug fix.
LMD BarPack
[+] VCL Styles support for TLMDButtonBar, TLMDExplorerBar, TLMDSectionBar.
[+] VCL Style support in demos.
[-] TLMDExplorerBar scroll bar bug fixes.
LMD DockingPack
[-] Floating dockpanel doesn't resize correct (multi monitor DPI) bug fix.
Release 2019.2 (16-Jan-2019)
LMD Tools
[+] LMD-Tools: RAD Studio 10.3 IDE theme support for additional component and property editors (work in progress).
LMD ElPack
[-] ElTree: Small bug fix.
LMD DockingPack
[+] Pin/Unpin context menu items in dock-panel component editor.
[-] DockingPack: RAD Studio 10.3 designtime bug fix (pin/unpin/close buttons behavior).
Release 2019.1 (05-Dec-2018)
Themed design-time dialogs for Delphi 10.3 have beend implemented. This include LMD-Config and About dialogs, LMD ScriptPack Importer Wizard and Batch Importing form, and more common design-time editors.
LMD Tools
[+] TLMDDatePicker and some other controls: button captions localization (Ok, Cancel, Today, ect).
[-] TLMDComboBoxExt diabled button look bug fix.
LMD SearchPack
[-] TLMDRefine search Unicode related bug fix.
LMD DockingPack
[-] AV (EurekaLog) bug fix.
LMD ScriptPack
[*] Importer files for 10.3 (Rio) updated.
LMD ElPack
[-] ElTree: Line height calculation bug fix (Important for high DPI).
Release 2019.0 (26-Nov-2018)
First official release.