LMD 2013 - History
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This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2013 products.
First official release: 26-Movember-2012
LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
Release 2013.6 (14-Aug-2013)
[-] Critical fix for LMDListBoxExt based controls (List- and ComboBoxes). AV appeared when control was dropped on a form at designtime.
LMD DesignPack
[-] Diagrams ItemsAtPos bug has been fixed.
[-] DesignPanel: Problem with non-visual controls at handle re-creation was fixed.
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] Setting cursor position bug fix.
Release 2013.5 (30-Jun-2013)
[-] LMDPNGImage: ByteSwap for 64bit issue (caused AV) fixed
[-] TLMDString registered for designtime editor
[+] LMDCustomMemo: SaveToFile/LoadFromFile with Encoding overloaded methods added
[+] LMDDateFormat: LastMonthDay function added
[*] LMDTimeFormat: AM/PM issue related changes
[*] LMDCustomExtCombo: Alignment made published
[*] LMDCustomDateTimePicker: DateSettings and TimeSettings properties published
[-] LMDCustMaskEdit: AM/PM issue fixed (meMask = meTime, meDateTime)
[-] LMDHeaderListCombobox: ghost last item issue fixed (see forum
[-] LMD_RegMainDB: TLMDEditDBLookup issue fixed
[-] LMDTaskDialogTemplate: parentless creation fix
LMD DockingPack
[-] Bug fix: When Docking Panel is unpinned and, you hover the mouse ober its Tab, it pops into sight and then you grab the caption and drag it. If there are components on the panel that want to repaint themselves in various conditions you get an access violation.
LMD Theme Pack
[*] LMD Gradient Theme Editor fixed for current LMD ThemePack version and moved to public section in SVN
[+] ElXTree: HitColumn property added
[-] ElPopBtn: ShortCut was not shown in hint - fixed
LMD SyntaxEdit
[+] OnLinesChanged event added.
Release 2013.4 (23-Apr-2013)
[+] Delphi/C++Builder XE4 support added
[+ Subscription customers with SVN support: DevUtil supports XE4 IDEs.
[-] TLMDTaskDialog: Problems in x64 fixed.
LMD ElPack
[-] TElXTree: Wrong behaviour of ForceAlign for CustomCheckBoxes fixed.
LMD DockingPack
[*] MainformTaskBar issue - Assertion for developers added.
LMD ScriptPack
[+] New Import files for Delphi/C++Builder XE4
LMD SyntaxEdit
[-] AutoComplete ComboBox: New setting for Width added.
[-] Space "eating" in connection Addict Spell (double capitals correction) has been fixed.
Release 2013.3 (13-Mar-2013)
[+] miniHTML engine: <big> tag added
[-] LMDExplorerBar: hint issue fixed
[-] LMDListBoxExt: extra scrollbar issue fixed
[-] LMDHeaderListComboBox: ItemIndex always 0 issue fixed
[-] LMDDownload: https urls were sent GET request instead of POST - fixed
LMD ElPack
[+] ElTree: MultilineEllipsis and SinglelineEllipsis properties added
[+] ElXTree: OnItemCheckStateChanging event added; ForceAlign, RowCheck properties added
[-] ElTreeStdEditors: "control has no parent window" issue fixed
[-] ElXTreePrinter: Print = false in OnItemPrinting caused infinite loop - fixed
[-] ElXTree: selected item painting issue fixed
[-] ElXTree: ForceAlign was skipped in Assign method - fixed
LMD DesignPack
[*] Performance improvements
[-] SelectAll bug fix
LMD InspectorPack
[-] Collection editor update bug fix
LMD RichEdit
[+] Addict Spell + LMDRichEdit demo added
Release 2013.2 (04-Feb-2013)
[*] C++Builder XE3 compatibility, including X64 support
[-] miniHTML engine: BTS #864 fixed (new lines sometimes start with a blank instead of everything being left justified)
[+] TLMDHTMLLabel: "Params" parameter added to OnTagFound Event
[+] OnGesture event and Touch property added to base classes
LMD ElPack
[+] All ELHTML Controls: "Params" parameter added to OnTagFound Event
[+] OnGesture event and Touch property added to base classes
LMD DockingPack
[+] Document tabs scrolling feature has been implemented. New TLMDDockManager.ScrollDocTabs, TLMDDockZone.FirstTab, TLMDDockZone.ScrollToTab, TLMDDockZone.IsTabInView properties/methods has been added. Scroll-left and scroll-right tab area buttons were added to styles.
[*] Document tabs painting bug fix. VS2005 style improvements: anti-aliased tabs (all: zone tabs, auto-hide tabs, document tabs).
[-] Fixed: Crash on un-dock auto hidden panel with a frame with a win control inside
Release 2013.1 (17-Dec-2012)
[*] All installers are digitally signed again.
[+] TLMDFlyoutController component added. See also the new demo in \lmdcore\LMD Megademo\DemosCore\LMD Ext
[+] OnTagFound event added to all HTML controls
[-] Problems with TLMDMouseBaseCtrl based controls (MouseFencer etc.) in XE2 + XE3 fixed.
LMD InspectorPack
[-] AllEquals in-place editor feature request fix.
LMD ShellPack
[+] New advanced TLMDStarterExt component added (allows redirection of output to an event. See Options property (TLMDStarterExtendedOption = (soxUseCreateProcess, soxRedirectOutput, soxRedirectInput, soxRedirectError)
and OnOutput event for more info.
LMD ElPack
[+] OnTagFound event added to all HTML controls
[+] OnHint property added to TLMDProjectManagerView (XE and better)
[+] Ability to move project manager nodes (to change its Parent)
[-] BTS #861 bug fix
Release 2013.0 (26-Nov-2012)
Initial Release.