LMD 2007 - History LMD ElPack
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[hide]- 1 Introduction
- 2 History Logs
- 2.1 Release 6.14 (18-December-2008)
- 2.2 Release 6.13.50 (05-October-2008)
- 2.3 Release 6.13 (10-September-2008)
- 2.4 Release 6.12 (15-Aug-2008)
- 2.5 Release 6.11 (14-July-2008)
- 2.6 Release 6.10 (26-June-2008)
- 2.7 Release 6.09 (14-May-2008)
- 2.8 Release 6.08 (21-Apr-2008)
- 2.9 Release 6.07 (31-Mar-2008)
- 2.10 Release 6.06 (19-Mar-2008)
- 2.11 Release 6.05 (04-Mar-2008)
- 2.12 Release 6.04 (21-Jan-2008)
- 2.13 Release 6.03.50 (06-Jan-2008)
- 2.14 Release 6.03 (10-Dec-2007)
- 2.15 Release 6.02.50 (26-Nov-2007)
- 2.16 Release 6.02 (13-Nov-2007)
- 2.17 Release 6.01 (15-Oct-2007)
- 2.18 Release 6.00.50 (17-Sep-2007)
This documents contains history logs for LMD ElPack 6.0 releases. First official release: 10-Sep-2007 (Win32 only)
[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed
History Logs
Release 6.14 (18-December-2008)
[-] Fixed BTS #675 (TElComboBox did not not raise OnKeyDown)
[-] Fixed BTS #652 (Spin buttons vanish in ElTreeInplaceSpinEdit)
[-] Fixed BTS #655 (TElMRUSection.Assign did not work)
Release 6.13.50 (05-October-2008)
[-] TElXTree: ElXTree item selection bug (bts 643). fixed.
[-] TElDBXTree: if DataSet has index, the editing brings to av. corrected.
[-] TElDBTreeCurrencyEdit: problem with negative value corrected.
[-] Extra-gradient look of TElToolBar on TCoolBar in Vista fixed (each ElToolBar on TCoolBar had its own gradient which is incorrect).
[-] TElTree, TElXTree: (StickyHEaderSection is True) calculation of HeaderSection's size was corrected.
[-] TElXTree: several problems with MouseFrameSelection were fixed.
[-] TElXTree: problem described in bts 644 corrected.
Release 6.13 (10-September-2008)
[+] TElTree: property UseThemeForSelection added to turn off the themed style of selection in Vista.
[*] TElXTree: Previously SortSection was used to initialize the section number for sorting. Now all sections with SortMode <> hsmNone are softed after the Tree is loaded automatically.
[*] TElWideDBLookupComboBox: ancestor was changed from TCustomElComboBox to TCustomElHTMLComboBox so html-formatted text can be shown.
[-] TElClock: CustomFormat had no effect when IsCountdown property was set to True. fixed.
[-] TEl(X)TreePrinter doesn't store position at design time. After opening a project form is moved to left top corner. fixed.
[-] TELDBXTreeStringGrid ignored goTab property. fixed.
[-] TELDBXTreeStringGrid, TELDBXTree: item's checkbox ignore initial state. fixed.
[-] TElXtree: item selection bugs were fixed (bts #638-640)
Release 6.12 (15-Aug-2008)
[+] TElXTree: property UseThemeForSelection added to turn off the themed style of selection in Vista.
[*] Images from PNGImageList for disabled buttons drawing changed (to be colored).
[*] TElPanel: use BorderColorFace to manage the color of line when BorderType = fbtColorLineBorder
[-] Shared modules: modify TLMDNativeHint to get unicode from elpack's controls
[-] TElPageControl: several problems with BitmapTab are solved; CloseButton drawing redesigned; left\right aligned tabs was drawn incorrectly in Vista. solved.
[-] TElPanel: some problems in caption drawing when unicode is off. fixed.
[-] TElSplit: corrected to solve problem with wrong resizing.(bts №634)
[-] TElXTree: drag and drop problem fixed. (by report from news server)
[-] TElXTree: reaction on VK_LEFT\VK_RIGHT was corrected.
[-] TElXTree: Cell shouldn't inherit a column alignment from Item's style.
[-] TElXHeader + TElXTree: lookup problems in tree are solved: incorrect combobox's place when column is resized, text was searched for in wrong column.
[-] Shell controls: can not open ASSEMBLY folder. fixed.
Release 6.11 (14-July-2008)
[*] Installer: Detection of BDSCOMMONDIR improved (CRS 2007 only).
[-] TElHeader: problem with using StickyHeaderSections solved
[-] TElDBWideLookupComboGrid: if BidiMode of the form is bdRightToLeft when exiting the application, we have exception. fixed
[-] TElDBWideLookupComboGrid: correction in right aligned text painting
[-] TElLabel: disabled text is not themed. fixed.
[-] TElMainMenu, TElMenuBar: drawing problem with owner's FormStyle fsMDIForm: restored the old behaviour.
[-] TElXTree: when RightAlignedView is True the click on empty space causes to av. fixed
[-] TElXTree: missed fix (FullRowSelect and joined cell) added.
[-] TElDBCurrEdit: sets data set in dsInsert/dsEdit on losing focus. fixed.
Release 6.10 (26-June-2008)
[+] TElAdvancedPanel.CaptionsSettings properies added: MinButtonTransparent, CloseButtonTransparent
[+] TElMainMenu, TElPopupMenu: 'Menu/Grid-Selection-Color unter Vista' implemented for DrawStyle = tdsNormal, tdsWindowsXP
[+] TElPageControl: TabMarginLeft, TabMarginRight properties added. Defines the space before and after tabs area.
[+] TElXTree, TElTree, TElTreeStringGrid: request 'Menu/Grid-Selection-Color unter Vista' implemented
[+] TElXTreeCells: cell controls frees automatically.
[-] Drawing problems in different elpack controls when its property DoubleBuffered is True solved.
[-] TElFormCaption: by default the buttons size is less than system button's size. corrected.
[-] TElGraphicButton: incorrect glyph drawing in pressed state. fixed.
[-] TElImageComboBox: combination of EmptyText, ShowEmptyValue and ImageNames brings to error. fixed.
[-] TElImageComboBox: problems with ShowEmptyValue and ImageIndex are solved.
[-] TElIniFile: problem in ReadString corrected. (bts 623)
[-] TElPageControl: problem with ShowAccelChar on vertical tabs solved.
[-] TElPromptDialog: Position = poOwnerFormCenter worked incorrectly. corrected.
[-] TElShellList: problems with ShowColumns in Windows 2000 fixed.
[-] TElTree: OnItemSelectedChange event is not fired when the item is deselected by click on an empty space. fixed.
[-] TElTreePrinter: raising List Index Out of Bounds error if PrintAsIs = False. fixed.
[-] TElStatusBar: ignores Font if UseXPThemes is on. fixed.
[-] TElXHeader: OnHeaderColumnMove event fires twice. fixed
[-] TElXTree: problem with cells drawing was fixed (FullRowSelect and joined cell)
Release 6.09 (14-May-2008)
[+] LogTools package added (for use with LMD AnyLogger client)
[-] TElCurrencyEdit: value was rounded incorrectly. fixed.
[-] TElDBXTree's inplace editors: enlarge the editor's client area to cell size, solve the problem with violation key.
[-] TElFormCaption: several problems with caption's buttons are fixed.
[-] TElMenuBar: ElMenuItem.OnClick don't fire on submenu popup. fixed.
[-] TElTabControl: DoubleBuffered doesn't work. fixed.
[-] TElTree, TElXTree: problems with FullRowSelect, HideFocusRect and HotTrack (Tracking) are solved.
[-] TElXTree: problem with ShowLeafButton fixed.
Release 6.08 (21-Apr-2008)
[+] TElImageForm: property StretchFormRegion added (default = false). Stretches defined region on form's size. Very useful in for systems where dpi <> 96.
[-] TElTreeComboBox: set control's size to cell size before editing.
[-] TElDBTreeNavigator: several problems was resolved.
[-] TElXTree: bug that causes av when you try to select several cells by mouse was fixed.
[-] Position of dropdown menu was wrong for systems with multiple monitors. fixed.
[-] TElListBox: problem with incremental search. fixed.
Release 6.07 (31-Mar-2008)
[+] TElExplorerBarGroup: property IsSpecial is added. If this property on, SPECIAL parts are used instead of NORMAL (ex: EBP_SPECIALGROUPBACKGROUND/EBP_NORMALGROUPBACKGROUND).
[+] TElPageControl: ShowAccelChar property added (bts 539)
[*] TElAppBar: multiple monitor support corrected.
[*] TElXTree: mouse frame selection redesigned to be more effective and to work when RowSelect is on.
[*] TElTrayIcon: multiple monitor support corrected to make PopupMenu visible only at main monitor.
Release 6.06 (19-Mar-2008)
[+] TElIniFile.ReadWideString can now be used to read both UTF8 and ANSI strings
[+] ElPack edit controls: LMDApplication.ThemeUseColorProperty added. After many requests we implemented now support of Color property in themed mode (like for themed VCL edit controls). If your application requires previous behaviour, set somewhere in your code LMDApplication.ThemeUseColorProperty to false (and like before Color property is ignored in themed mode).
[+] TElTree, TElXTree, TElTreeStringGrid: OnLinkOver event added. This event occures when mouse cursor moves over the link.
[+] Menus: New style tdsOffice2003 was added.
[+] TElEdit/TElMemo now can handle triple click to select all text.
[*] LMDHTMLUnit: small fix to process font color in links (ex: <a href="test"><font color=clRed>test<font></s> - font must be clRed + LinkColor)
[-] TElMouseHint: lost two last characters in hint caption. fixed.
[-] TElPanel, TElAdvancedPanel: Problem with parent backgrount in mode with disabled theme engine solved.
[-] TElXHeader: problem in Sections.LoadFromFile\SaveToFile fixed.
[-] TElGraphs: memory leak was eliminated
Release 6.05 (04-Mar-2008)
[*] Improved Helpfile for shared runtime
[-] Help installers for BDS/CRS IDEs handle now target path names containing spaces correctly.
[+] Validation support was added.
[+] TElFolderDialog: bfoAllowEdit option was added to include an edit control in the browse dialog box
[+] TElPanel, TElHTMLPanel: WordWrap property added to support multiline caption.
[-] fix for bugreport "Difference in Parameter iColorId when using ElPack-Theming compared to native theming"
[-] TElTree, TElTreeStringGrid: several problems in tree's behaviour was fixed: InplaceEditor InputValid Error, TElTreeStringGrid OnChanging fires twice, tree ignores AllowChange if you try to navigate by mouse click.
[-] TElXTree: same problems as in previous section were checked and corrected everywhere where it is necessary.
[-] Tree's editors: OnValidateResult event was not fired if user didn't press Return but try to end editing by mouse click. fixed.
[-] TElToolBar: difference between designtime and runtime behaviour was corrected.
[-] TElDateTimePicker: CustomCalendarNames had no effect for the translation of the month calendar combo. fixed.
[-] Editors: Appearance of control in disabled state changed.
[-] TElHeader, TElXHeader: property Aligned = alNone was not saved in dfm. fixed.
[-] TElAdvancedPanel, TElExplorerBarGroup: incorrect size in the minimized state. fixed.
[-] TElHeader, TElXHeader: corrected some problems in recalculation of the size after font changed.
[-] TElPageControl: tab not wide enough to display caption with '&'. fixed
Release 6.04 (21-Jan-2008)
[*] TElHeader, TElXHeader, TElTree, TElXTree: RightAligned mode redesigned.
[-] TElPanel: " SizeGrip does not show in TElPanel" (bts 342). fixed.
[-] TElXTree: TextAlignment has no affect in virtual style. fixed.
Release 6.03.50 (06-Jan-2008)
[+] ElStyleManager: possible to define third-level properties ex: CaptionSettings.Font.Color
[-] Problem with incorrect CaptionSettings.BackgroundColor setting fixed.
[+] CaptionSettings.Background property added to be possible define such backgrounds as TileBitmap in IDE at designtime.
[-] In systems with large fonts CheckBox size will be automatically changed only if system is higher than Windows 2000 to avoid problem with Windows.DrawFrameControl.
[-] TElStyleManager, .Net - problem with control's editor solved.
[-] TElInputProcessor, .Net - some problems fixed.
Release 6.03 (10-Dec-2007)
[-] TElPageControl: If Multiline is turned off, the closing tab doesn't making a refresh when covering the tab with a MessageBox (bts 510). fixed.
[+] TElPageControl: OnDrawTabsBackground: event was added to draw space behind tabs. It has effect only if UseXPThemes is off.
[-] TElSideBar: ItemIndex always = -1 when KeepSelection = False. fixed.
[-] TELRadioGroup: problem with ItemSpacing > -1. fixed.
[-] TElXTree: Doubleclick between header columns changes alignment of header cells. fixed.
[-] TElStyleManager: problem with properties generation in control's editor. fixed
[*] .Net - a lot of problems are fixed, a lot of demos are ported.
Release 6.02.50 (26-Nov-2007)
[-] TElEdit, TElMemo: decrease the index of top line when resize, so contents scrolls upwards if it has enough place.
[-] TElSideBar flickering (bts 576). fixed.
[-] TElTreeCombo: corrected the visual behaviour in style=tcsDropDownList.
Release 6.02 (13-Nov-2007)
[*] VCL.NET release candidates (including CRS 2007.NET packages). Final version with next minor update.
[+] TElCalculatorEdit, TElCurrencyEdit: property CalcDlgResetValue : Boolean (default=False) When it is True, the entered numbers will be added to current value, if False - the value will be reset by new.
[+] TElDateTimePicker: edfShortDateShortTime was added in the list of possible formats.
[+] TElPromptDialog: MaxWidth (default 0). The width of dialog will be limited by this value in case it is positive.
[+] TElXTree: AutoLineVisibleOnly property added (default = false). If this property is set to true, TElXTree defines item's height for visible sections only (ignores invisible header sections).
[-] DEP problem on Vista machines fixed.
[-] TElCalculatorEdit: av in runtime when CalcDlgDefZeroValue is False. fixed.
[-] TElTree, TElXTree, TElXHeader, TElHeader: incorrect text out with right-aligned italic text. fixed.
[-] TElXTree: small problem with cell size where BarStyle is on. fixed.
[-] "Junk" symbols in html-hints. fixed.
Release 6.01 (15-Oct-2007)
[+] TElCalendar,TElDateTimePicker.CustomCalendarNames: TElCustomCalendarNames - possible to set unicode day\month names to be displayed in control.
Release 6.00.50 (17-Sep-2007)
[*] Changes and fixes in shared runtime packages