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===CBuilder SpeedUp===
=== C++ Builder Notes ===
* TLMDHideNonVC: This component has no functionality in LMD-Tools for CBuilder 5 (and higher) and is included for the sake of compatability only.  
#include <oleidl.h>
* TLMDFormDisplay: The AddForm method of TLMDFormDisplay was renamed to AddFormExt due to naming conflicts with CBuilder routines.
When this macro is defined, VCL.H does not define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN. Default: OFF
Same as NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN (NOTE: This macro is for BCB v1.0 backward compatibility) Default: OFF
When this macro is defined, VCL.H includes the core Database headers of VCL.
(Defining this macro is functionally equivalent to including VCLDB.H) Default: OFF
INC_ALLVCL_HEADERS When this macro is defined, VCL.H includes all VCL headers.
(Defining this macro is functionally equivalent to including VCLMAX.H) Default: OFF
====Installing Source Version (Release 7)====
Make sure to install first the CE special packages (DesignPack, BarPack and StoragePack) and at last LMD-Tools Core Package (oldest to latest package).  I strongly suggest to install all to the same installation path. Make sure that the source path is available in Library path settings and is  in best case the first path mentioned. Then load the <br>
project group. <br>
This project group contains all package files in the order we suggest to install them. Ignore if e.g. dcllmdold.dpk is not found (or CE packages if you did not install them). However the most important point is, that dcllmdshared_d5 is the first package to be compiled. As a rule: lmd*.bpl are runtime packages, dcllmd*.bpl packages are designtime packages. Only for designtime packages press "Install" button.
The compiler will place all new packages into your projects\bpl folder, so I suggest you remove runtime packages from previous installation. <br>
Do not use "Build ALL" command, because this feature is buggy in D5.  If any further problems occur please let me know.<br>
====Version Mix Up====
if Delphi claims that it can't find a file (though DCUs are available and Library Path is set correctly - see Environment Options), there can be only possible cause for the problem: There is a version mix up.
For the offending files please check whether a previous version was completely uninstalled, that no parts are compiled into existing packages (e.g. your personal packages, you might have to rebuild the package), that your project was REBUILD (to force the compilation of latest PAS/DCU files). Furthermore the project files may have references to older package files (especially if you use runtime packages, simply check Package settings in Project Options.
===="Entry Point not found" (Release 6)====
Each time you receive "Entry Point not found" or "Could not find [..]" error, you can be sure that it is caused by a version mix up. I guess somehow you did not uninstall a previous version completely. E.g. if you compiled sourcecode, Delphi places created runtime BPL's automatically into the default BPL output path
(can be set in Environment Options dialog). Older version may have installed them in System directory - so there is the possible version conflict.
To completely remove an old LMD-Tools version (the hard way):
* Close Delphi (Note: Be sure that you did not include any LMD-Tools units in own packages, otherwise
open these packages, remove LMD-Tools units and recompile them).
** Use all uninstallers for previous version
** Delete all LMD-Tools directoies
** Delete all LMD-Tools path settings from Extras|Environment Options|Tab Library
** Now most important point: Search your harddisk (at least in your system directory
and the Delphi Projects\BPL path) for LMD BPLs.
* Use as search string lmd*.bpl for runtime packages.
* Use as search string dcllmd*.bpl for designtime packages.
* Remove them all
To install LMD-Tools sourcecode:
* Use the LMD-Tools 6 source installer
* After installation check whether paths to LMD-Tools Source files are correctly set. If for any reason not, add them yourself
* We have extremly simplified source compilation. Load the correct project group (e.g. lmdtools_d6.bpg for Delphi 6). and compile one package after another. Install only Desigtime packages (dcllmd*.bpk). All compiled packages can be found after compilation in the Projects\BPL path of your Delphi version.
Note: Simply ignore errors for RichPack and ShellPack project files, both packages are not included in current release and will be available in the next days.<br>
To install LMD-Tools default packages:
Run the correct installer. The only issues which could go wrong are:
* Paths are not updated: Solution is to add paths manually
* Packages are not seen in Delphi: Add dcl*.bpl packages manually from the Install Packages dialog.
=== Packages & Compatibility ===
=== Packages & Compatibility ===

Revision as of 22:00, 20 June 2007


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C++ Builder Notes

  • TLMDHideNonVC: This component has no functionality in LMD-Tools for CBuilder 5 (and higher) and is included for the sake of compatability only.
  • TLMDFormDisplay: The AddForm method of TLMDFormDisplay was renamed to AddFormExt due to naming conflicts with CBuilder routines.

Packages & Compatibility

Compatibility Components are not installed by default!

User who you used the older components of version 1/3 in their projects (e.g. the ones from the LMD Free tab) must explicitly mark the corresponding check box in the installation options to install the LMD-Tools compatibility components.
Please note:
No components were left out, they're all still available (and will be available in the future). However we want to avoid that new user use these controls because they will not be improved in the future (because they're replaced by improved controls).

ToolBar97 components

The registered VCL Win32 versions of LMD-Tools include a license for the Toolbar97 components. Please note that no precompiled packages are installed during installation, simply install the DPK if you want to use the ToolBar97 components. The ToolBar97 units can be found in the \lib\toolb97 folder. Documentation can be found in HTML format in the \help folder.


TLMDCaptionPanel (-Group)

Pasting components from ClipBoard not possible

Because of a glitch with inner controls pasting components from clipboard onto TLMDCaptionPanel components is not possible (controls will be simply not visible). However there is a simple workaround. In context menu of form select “View as Text” and move the object data within the PanelClient object of TLMDCaptionPanel directly in DFM code. Example:

[1] This is an empty TLMDCaptionPanel <delphi>

 object LMDCaptionPanel1: TLMDCaptionPanel
   Left = 304
   Top = 144
   Width = 193
   Height = 121
   Bevel.Mode = bmStandard
   Bevel.StandardStyle = lsWindowBorder
   TabOrder = 0
   object TLMDCaptionPanelClient

[2] Move component data between “object TLMDCaptionPanelClient” and “end”, e.g. <delphi>

 object LMDCaptionPanel1: TLMDCaptionPanel
   Left = 304
   Top = 144
   Width = 193
   Height = 121
   Bevel.Mode = bmStandard
   Bevel.StandardStyle = lsWindowBorder
   TabOrder = 0
   object TLMDCaptionPanelClient
     object Button1: TButton
       Left = 80
       Top = 40
       Width = 75
       Height = 25
       Caption = 'Button1'
       TabOrder = 0



How to access specific controls on displayed forms?

To access controls on forms displayed in a TLMDFormDisplay component you have to typecast the active form. E.g. to access an Edit control on a form called TMyForm called Edit1, you have to typecast to:

The Internal Forms array or ActiveForm property use the abstract TCustomForm class. This fact allows you to add any form which is derived from TCustomForm to the TLMDFormDisplay component. The side effect is however, that TLMDFormDisplay control does not know of any special features which are available for a specific descendant (thus typecasting to desired form type is required).


Flickering of main window when second instance is started.

There are two ways to workaround this:

  • You create a small separate application which has nothing else to do except closing the current instance and restarting it..
  • You do not use the component but internal functions of LMD-Tools (more complex, but elegant).

To mimic TLMDOneInstance without using the control: In the project source file add LMDClass unit to uses clause and check LMDApplication.IsPrevRunning property before any form is loaded (this global property tells you, whether a previous instance is running). If yes, simple exit the application and call LMDActivatePrevInstance method from LMDUtils.pas to activate the already running instance. To explicitely allow restart simply use a command line parameter, so that test for previous instance is skipped when command line parameter is set.

Container Controls

How to use TLMDStringStringList component correctly? How to add / remove items at runtime?

Against the VCL TStrings or TStringList objects the TLMDStringList class is a container for ANY number of TStrings objects. Component does not hold TStrings directly, but TLMDStringListItem objects which provide an Items property for the internal TStringlist object (use this Items property to get access to all properties and methods of the known TStringList oject).
As follows examples for working with TLMDStringList component. To add a new item to the TLMDStringList class write e.g.: <delphi>myIndex:=LMDStringList1.Add(nil); // now you have created a new item with Index myIndex (--> declare as Integer).</delphi> The new created type is a TLMDStringListItem class, which CONTAINS a TStringList object as Items property. Use this Items property as you would use a TStrings or TStringlist object. To assign e.g. a TStringlist object write: <delphi> LMDStringList1.Items[myIndex].Items.Assign(myExternalVCLStringList);// or alternatively write LMDStringList1.Items[myIndex].Items:=myExternalVCLStringList; </delphi> Because TLMDStringListItems array is default array you could also write <delphi>LMDStringList1[myIndex].Items:=myExternalVCLStringList;</delphi> Knowing this you should be able to access single lines or a full stringlist, one example from the helpfile: <delphi> MyLabel.Caption:=LMDStringList1[myIndex].Items[5]; </delphi> This line would assign the 6th line of your recently created stringlist to the Caption property of MyLabel. Other examples: <delphi> LMDStringList1[myIndex].Items.Add('New String'); // Adds new string to the StringList with ID 'myindex' LMDStringList1[myIndex].Items.Delete(3); // Deletes string with index 3 from StringList with ID 'myindex' </delphi> TLMDStringList can handle many TLMDStringListItem objects. Using the .Add method as above you can add as many items as you like. To delete an item from the TLMDStringList class use the .Delete method. To delete the TLMDStringList object itself use <delphi> LMDStringList1.Delete(myIndex); </delphi> To insert a new item at a specific position (here at index 2) use e.g. <delphi>myIndex:=LMDStringList1.Insert(2, nil);</delphi> Check the helpfile or use Code Completion in editor for other standard methods (like Move, LoadFromFile, SaveToFile etc.). Major advantage of using TLMDStringList is saving of large number of text snippets in one component and possibility to compress large large text snippets.

Dialog Controls

Using OnCustomize event in native LMD Dialog controls

<delphi> procedure TForm1.dCustomize(Sender: TObject); var i:Integer; begin with TForm(Sender) do for i:=0 to ComponentCount-1 do if (Components[i] is TLMDButton) and (TLMDButton(Components[i]).Caption='&New Folder') then TLMDButton(Components[i]).Caption:='MyString'; end; </delphi>