LMD 2011 - History

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Revision as of 08:02, 3 March 2011 by Rafael (talk | contribs) (LMD ThemePack)

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This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2011 products.
First official release: 23-November-2010

LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

Release 2011.3 (01-March-2011)


[-] TLMDTaskDialog: Reported problems from newsgroup (e.g. text wordwrap in expanded area in non-Vista/Win 7 mode etc.)

LMD ThemePack

[+] TLMDThemesRibbonAdapter component added (see description and screenshots in What's new section)
[+] TLMDThemesGradientThemeRenderer: SuppressUpdate property added

LMD GridPack

[+] New Rating column type has been added. Among showing values, the column allows to edit them, by mouse-clicking on a grid-cell or by pressing '0'...'9' keys.
[+] New Image column type has been added. It allows to show images from associated image list, based on the cell value.
[+] New Progress column type has been added. Like Rating column it allows to edit progress values by mouse-clicking on a grid-cell.
[+] Column.Color and Column.DefaultColor properties, which allows to draw every column in each own color.
[+] New Column.AllowUndefinedValue; in addition handling of Null values has been implemented in ALL column editors. Seting Null value is even possible in Rating, Progress and Image columns pressing 'Del' key.
[+] DrawGrayed property was added to CheckBox column type; Assigning False value to the property will allow to draw grayed state as an empty (white) cell.
[*] Drawing speed and appearance was improved. Enhanced layout include the style of drop-downs controls like calendar, calculator, ect.
[-] Many drawing and layout bugs have been fixed.

LMD ElPack

[+] TElComboBox. Added ForcedTextClear property to clear text when setting ItemIndex to -1 for csSimple and csDropDown styles
[-] TElCaption. Fixed caption drawing for Windows Vista+ screen DPI higher than 96

Release 2011.2 (29-January-2011)


[+] LMDDBHTMLLabel: LMDDBHTMLLabel.pas unit added (implements TLMDDBHTMLLabel)
[*] LMDCustomBevelPanel: Creation of FBevel moved to virtual CreateBevel method
[*] LMDCustomSpeedButton: ButtonStyle is now automatically ubsWin40Ext for ThemeMode = ttmNative
[-] LMDFigures: drawing of inner area fixed for pf32bit
[-] LMDCustomScrollBoxExt: memory leak fixed
[-] LMDHTMLLabel: "Control" tag did not work - fixed
[-] LMDComboBoxExt: dropdown list was not shown after theme is changed - fixed
[-] LMDCustomScrollBoxExt: AV when changing theme mode fixed

LMD ThemePack

[+] LMDThemesGradientThemeRenderer: OnDrawElement event added
[+] Demo of using OnDrawElement event added

LMD StoragePack

[+] LMDStorPropertiesStorage: ComplexPropDelimiter property added ('/' by default for compatibility)
[-] LMDStorXMLVault: Memory leak in TLMDStorCustomXMLVault.Open fixed [in binary mode]
[-] LMDStorPropertiesStorage: memory leak at TLMDOSWriter.LMDWriteComplexProperty fixed

Release 2011.1 (22-December-2010)


[-] LMDComboBoxExt: dropdown list was not shown after theme is changed - fixed;
[*] LMDCustomSpeedButton: ButtonStyle is now automatically ubsWin40Ext for ThemeMode = ttmNative;
[+] Options property added were relevant in LMDCustomEdit descendants (user request);
[-] ItemIndex property made is now published in comboboxes; value set to ItemIndex in design-time was ignored in runtime - fixed (TLMDComboBoxExt, TLMDListComboBox, TLMDHeaderListComboBox);
[-] Memory leak in TLMDWSwitch fixed

LMD ThemePack fixes, refactoring and enhancements
[+] LMDThemesControllerBase class added; several methods and properties added to TLMDThemeRenderer class;
[+] Events for custom drawing of arrows/checkmarks/etc added;
[+] Controllers for gradient theme renderers added (TLMDThemesGradientThemeController, TLMDSimpleGradientThemeController, TLMDSimpleGradientExtThemeController);
[-] "Abstract" definition removed from TLMDThemeRenderer.Controller and TLMDThemeRenderer.Init methods to workaround compilation problem in CPP Builder.

LMD ElPack

[+] TElComboBox. Added AutoCompletionProcessByAnyChange property
[+] TElTreeStringGrid. Added ThemeMode and ThemeGlobalMode
[-] TElEdit. Fixed Cursor issue under Windows Vista+
[-] TElEdit. Fixed double stress sign


[+] Native VBScript language support has been added to LMD ScriptPack. Fully native implementation; no external libraries or COM object are required. New language has a syntax similar to MS VBScript. [*] LMD ScriptPack: Many minor issues has been fixed and several features have been enhanced in our native VM. Native scripts should now be faster and more stable.

Release 2011.0 (23-November-2010)


Initial Release. Check What's new page for list of changes.

LMD ElPack

Initial Release. Check What's new page for list of changes.


Initial Release. The main change (support of native VBScript in ScriptPack is not enabled yet. Beta code is included and will be enabled in 2011.1 Release.