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(Release 1.10 (XX-Jan-2008))
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=== LMD IDE-Tools 1.X ===
=== LMD IDE-Tools 1.X ===
[+] WindowManager class, exposed by property inspector, designer, ect. now has StayOnTop property that allows to change form-style of non-modal property and components editors.
[+] WindowManager class, exposed by property inspector, designer, ect. now has StayOnTop property that allows to change form-style of non-modal property and components editors.
==== Release 1.05 (21-Jan-2008) ====
[*] SyntaxEdit changes
==== Release 1.04.50 (06-Jan-2008) ====
==== Release 1.04.50 (06-Jan-2008) ====
Line 100: Line 103:
=== LMD SyntaxEdit 1.X ===
=== LMD SyntaxEdit 1.X ===
==== Release 1.10 (XX-Jan-2008) ====
==== Release 1.10 (21-Jan-2008) ====
Bugfix release: <br>
Bugfix release: <br>
+ new attributes for regexps in parser: moreWordSeparators, moreWordChars (used by \b anchor). Very useful for keywords searching.  <br>
[+] new attributes for regexps in parser: moreWordSeparators, moreWordChars (used by \b anchor). Very useful for keywords searching.  <br>
- Performance improvements in syntax schemes (file with very big lines had a chance to hang parsing) <br>
[-] Performance improvements in syntax schemes (file with very big lines had a chance to hang parsing) <br>
- Bugfixes in text loading/saving in UTF8, UTF16 encodings. <br>
[-] Bugfixes in text loading/saving in UTF8, UTF16 encodings. <br>
- bug #586 fixed (view locked for changes after load from file) <br>
[-] BTS #586 fixed (view locked for changes after load from file) <br>
- AV in Parser fixed on reparsing text from some position, when variables used in syntax token regexps (Affects VB scheme). <br>
[-] AV in Parser fixed on reparsing text from some position, when variables used in syntax token regexps (affected VB scheme). <br>
- Fixed: all line ends was converted to CRLF combination when loading/saving file. Now combinations line CR, LF or mixed are preserved
[-] Fixed: all line endings were converted to CRLF combination when loading/saving from/to a file. Now any combinations of line endings (CR, LF or mixed are) preserved
==== Release 1.06 (06-Jan-2008) ====
==== Release 1.06 (06-Jan-2008) ====

Revision as of 17:10, 21 January 2008

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This documents contains history logs for LMD IDE-Tools 1.0 and corresponding standalone packs.
First official release: 21-June-2007

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

LMD SyntaxEdit RoadMap

  • Nearest release (end of this January)
    • Spellcheck support using Addict (or other spellchecker using Windows RichEdit EM_*** messages).
      See MSDN page on those messages
    • Issue with cursor position (and other significant TLMDEditView parameters) saving when it switches from/to different Documents.
      Very useful for tabbed editing.
    • Back unindent feature that aligns the cursor with the previous indentation level from the preceding line when pressing the 'Backspace' key
    • New word wrap mode to wrap the text at the window width.
      When window is resized, wrap is automatically adjusted to the new window width.
    • Cursor through tabs mode so tabs can optionally be traversed with one right or left press of the cursor keys, regardless of tab width.
      Visual Studio-like behaviour.
    • New option for cursor not to move beyond end of line.
    • New option in ViewSettings - Current line highlight enabling/disabling
    • Documentation update for features listed above, and implemented before, but undocumented.
    • And, hopefully, fix for replace issue (it requires some structural changes in TLMDEditView)
  • Next release (approx., end of February)
    • Saving line+character position in items TLMDEditDocument.Bookmarks items (now, they are bound to line starts)
    • Custom colorization for Document's text postprocessing/highlighting (syntax errors, Firefox-like found text highlight etc).
      Now, it exists in prototype, but, it requires optimization for large texts.
      Planned API (functions in TLMDEditView/TLMDEditDocument):
      • procedure AddCustomStyle(AStart, ACount: Integer; AStyle: TLMDEditViewStyle);
        Adds custom style on some text range, over parsed syntax colorization.
      • procedure RemoveCustomStyle(AStart, ACount: Integer; AStyle: TLMDEditViewStyle);
        Removes given custom colorization layer from given text range.
      • procedure ClearCustomStyles;
        Removes all custom style layers from View.
      • Here, TLMDEditViewStyle is object in View's CustomStyles collection. It contains color and font style.
    • New editor commands (sedDeleteToLineEnd, sedDeleteLine) etc.
      All keybindings for commands now customizable with TLMDEditView.CustomKeyBindings collection.
      Feel free to propose your commands...
      Also, here i think on integration of standard VCL actions system with LMDEditView.CustomKeyBindings collection.
      Feel free to send your ideas about that integration...
  • Releases after end of February will be focused on Parser improvements.
    Here i plan:
    • Folding support for Ptyhon-like (indentation-based) languages
    • Visual syntax schemes editor
    • Improvements in syntax folding
    • Ability to generate names for folds, for syntax outline creation
    • Create separate Parser component for parsing/colorization external controls like TRichEdit etc.

History Logs

LMD IDE-Tools 1.X

[+] WindowManager class, exposed by property inspector, designer, ect. now has StayOnTop property that allows to change form-style of non-modal property and components editors.

Release 1.05 (21-Jan-2008)

[*] SyntaxEdit changes

Release 1.04.50 (06-Jan-2008)

[*] SyntaxEdit changes

Release 1.04.20 (10-Dec-2007)

[-] All memory leaks and all major bugs fixed in PrintPack
[*] SyntaxEdit changes

Release 1.04.10 (26-Nov-2007)

[-] DesignPack fixes

Release 1.04 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET release
[*] Changes in DesignPack and SyntaxEdit

Release 1.03 (15-Oct-2007)

[-] Fix in LMD DesignPack (see below)

Release 1.02.50 (17-Sep-2007)

[-] Fixes in LMD SyntaxEdit and LMD DesignPack (see below)

Release 1.02 (07-Sep-2007)

[-] Fixes in LMD SyntaxEdit and LMD DesignPack (see below)

Release 1.01 (20-July-2007)

[+] New Component editor for the TPageControl control that allows to create/delete pages.
[-] Bug fixed: Component tree speed has been improved while working with many objects.

LMD DesignPack 4.X

Release 4.04.10 (26-Nov-2007)

[-] Bug with showing inplace edit popup menu after property inspector popup menu has been fixed.
[-] Bug with inplace edit themed painting has been fixed.

Release 4.04.00 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET release
[-] BTS #561 fixed

Release 4.03.00 (15-Oct-2007)

[-] Bug with reverse captions fixed.

Release 4.02.50 (17-Sep-2007)

[-] Bug in Property Inspector has been fixed.
[-] Bug with inserting new controls in the designer when align lines are active has been fixed.

Release 4.02 (07-Sep-2007)

[-] Designer and property inspector speed has been improved while selecting many (>100) components.

Release 4.01 (20-July-2007)

[-] Bug fixed: String editors in PropertyInspector write RigthToLeft in Unicode mode.
[-] Bug fixed: Properties on objects that do not return ClassInfo raise if one tries to expand their node in the PropertyInspector.
[-] Bug fixed: Method ObjectFound introduces deadlock.
[-] Bug fixed: Memory Leaks in DesignPack 4.0.

LMD ScriptPack 4.X

LMD SyntaxEdit 1.X

Release 1.10 (21-Jan-2008)

Bugfix release:
[+] new attributes for regexps in parser: moreWordSeparators, moreWordChars (used by \b anchor). Very useful for keywords searching.
[-] Performance improvements in syntax schemes (file with very big lines had a chance to hang parsing)
[-] Bugfixes in text loading/saving in UTF8, UTF16 encodings.
[-] BTS #586 fixed (view locked for changes after load from file)
[-] AV in Parser fixed on reparsing text from some position, when variables used in syntax token regexps (affected VB scheme).
[-] Fixed: all line endings were converted to CRLF combination when loading/saving from/to a file. Now any combinations of line endings (CR, LF or mixed are) preserved

Release 1.06 (06-Jan-2008)

[+] TLMDEditDocument.Modified property added, related to its methods TLMDEditDocument.Lines.Load/Save, authomatically set when document has changed, unset when undo etc. Demos updated.
[+] TLMDEditDocument.CodePage/CodePageName properties added (support for custom save/load encodings). Also, TLMDEditDocument.Lines.SaveToStream/LoadFromStream methods supports those encoding properties. Demos are updated with support for those properties.
[+] lmdrtl: LMDUnicodeEncodings.pas unit added with TLMDEncoding class (wrapper for windows/.net encoding functions/classes: System.Text.Encoding/MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte)
[-] bug #581 fixed: Assertion failure in LMDSedView.pas, line 4296
[-] fixed bug when extra line appears on appending segment starting with LMDLF, when text was finished with LMDCR
[-] misspelled word 'Phyzical' changed to 'Physical' in function names of TLMDEditView class. Also, ScrollPosToClient function introduced.

Release 1.05.10 (10-Dec-2007)

[*] Improved PrintPack integration

Release 1.05 (13-Nov-2007)

[+] CRS 2007.NET release
[+] PrintPack integration, including Print Preview support

Release 1.04 (17-Sep-2007)

[+] Double-click select and then holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse selects by "word"
[+] Triple-clicking a line selects the entire line
[+] Triple-click select and then holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse selects by "lines"
[+] Property TLMDEditView.SelectedText added. Now you can get and set the selected text easily.
[+] Gutter bar padding properties (LeftPadding, RightPadding) added.
[+] New view settings flag to toggle highlight cursor line: vsHighlightSelectedLine
[+] LMDSedFindDialog unit: TLMDEditSearchDlgOptions: LastNumberOfReplacements and WasReplaceAllChosen fields added to get information on executed replace dialog.
[-] Fixed: Misspelled TLMDEditView.ViewSettings vsOwerwrite flag corrected to vsOverwrite.

Release 1.03 (07-Sep-2007)

[+] Color scheme visual editor (property editor for TLMDEditDocument.ColorSchemes)
[+] TLMDEditView.CustomKeyBindings property added, and visual property editor for it. Now, it's possible to override predefined keybindings in TLMDEditView.
[-] assign syntax/color schemes.
[-] memory leak with internal timer
[-] GutterBar.Visible behavior
[-] syntax schemes for JS and Perl fixed (BTS #529)

Release 1.02 (17-Aug-2007)

[+] Document.ReadOnly property introduced with View.ReadOnlyBgColor property
[-] BTS #518 fixed (e.g. entering characters with AltGr key)

Release 1.01 (20-July-2007)

[-] Numerous small bugfixes with markers and view
[+] Performance improvements for parser
[+] Block indent/unindent feature added (Ctrl+Shift+I/Ctrl+Shift+U)