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LMD ShellPack
Using Paste/Copy commands at runtime
Copy: <delphi> if assigned(LMDShellList1.selected) then LMDDoContextMenuVerb( LMDShellList1, (LMDShellList1.Selected as TLMDShellListItem).ShellItem, 'copy'); </delphi> Paste: <delphi> LMDDoContextMenuVerb( LMDShellList2, LMDShellFolder2.ActiveFolder,'paste'); </delphi>
LMD RichPack
Which MS RichEdit DLL Version can I expect on a specific operating system?
Please check list of different RichEdit versions.
Searching for specific attributes
Q: I was trying out the LMD RTF wrapper (using BCB 6) and wanted to know what would be the best way to search for words or characters with a specific attribute.
- Use FindTextEx
- Check SelAttributes
if attrs not ok then FindTextEx again.
LMD WebPack
[Linker Error] Unresolved external "InternetCloseHandle" referenced from
Simply add wininet.lib to your project (file can be found in \lib directory of your C++ Builder / BDS / CRS installation). In recent IDEs you can also add
#pragma link "wininet.lib"
in your code.
NG Serialization
How to serialize collections
Serializing collections, including custom or standard collections (like TList) requires writing custom converters. For example, lets consider the folowing collection declaration:
type TItem = class public X: Integer; Y: Integer; end; TItems = class(TObjectList<TItem>);
To be able to serialize it, we need to declare a converter class, and associate this class with our collection using Converter attribute:
type TItemsConverter = class(TConverter) public function GetReadMode: TReadMode; override; procedure Write(S: TSerializer; const V); override; procedure Read(D: TDeserializer; var V); override; end; [Converter(TItemsConverter)] TItems = class(TObjectList<TItem>);
The converter can be implemented like this: