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(Release 2018.3 (XX-Jul-2018))
(LMD Grid)
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[+] New IsRowChecked[Index: Integer] property for simple (non db-aware) grid. Row checks are stored internally in default data store.<br>
[+] New IsRowChecked[Index: Integer] property for simple (non db-aware) grid. Row checks are stored internally in default data store.<br>
[+] New OnGetRowChecked/OnSetRowChecked events for db-aware grid. Row checks should be stored externally (dictionary can be used, for example).<br>
[+] New OnGetRowChecked/OnSetRowChecked events for db-aware grid. Row checks should be stored externally (dictionary can be used, for example).<br>
[+] TLMDGrid: Column.HeaderHint property has been added, which allow to show column description hints when mouse cursor is over header cells. TLMDGrid.ShowHint standard property should be set to True.<br>
[+] Column.HeaderHint property has been added, which allow to show column description hints when mouse cursor is over header cells. Grid's ShowHint standard property should be set to True.<br>
[*] Updated demo (row check-boxes feature).<br>
[*] Updated demo (row check-boxes feature).<br>

Revision as of 19:59, 13 July 2018

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This documents contains history logs for all LMD 2018 products.
First official release: 22-Jan-2018

LMD-Tools section includes standalone packs as follows: LMD BarPack, LMD ChartPack, LMD DialogPack, LMD DockingPack, LMD FxPack, LMD GridPack, LMD InspectorPack, LMD RichPack, LMD SearchPack, LMD ShellPack, LMD SysPack, LMD StoragePack, LMD ThemePack and LMD WebPack.
LMD IDE-Tools section lists changes in LMD IDE-Tools Integration package, LMD DesignPack, LMD ScriptPack and LMD SyntaxEdit.

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

Release 2018.3 (XX-Jul-2018)

LMD Grid

[+] Row checking feature added. Row checks are shown directly inside indicator column.
[+] New opShowRowChecks option for showing hiding row check-boxes.
[+] New CheckIndicatorWidth, CheckedCellBgColor, CheckedCellTextColor properties in Grid.Style object. Color properties can be set to clNone to preserve default cell colors.
[+] New IsRowChecked[Index: Integer] property for simple (non db-aware) grid. Row checks are stored internally in default data store.
[+] New OnGetRowChecked/OnSetRowChecked events for db-aware grid. Row checks should be stored externally (dictionary can be used, for example).
[+] Column.HeaderHint property has been added, which allow to show column description hints when mouse cursor is over header cells. Grid's ShowHint standard property should be set to True.
[*] Updated demo (row check-boxes feature).


[-] FormDesigner demo bug fix.

LMD Tools

[-] LMDXXXComboBox.Items (protected in latest Delphi versions) bug fix.

Release 2018.2 (25-Jun-2018)

LMD Tools

[+] TLMDCheckListComboBox: IntValue property has been added which is similar to TLMDCheckListBox.Value property.
[*] TLMDCheckListBox: Use all 64 bits in Value property.
[-] TLMDDBDateTimePicker: manual date writing bug fix.

LMD ElPack

[-] ElXTree multi-selection bug fix: The code will un-select rows on left mouse button click (this is required, becouse otherwise there will be no ways to unselect rows after selecting all rows), but will preserve selection on right mouse button click on selected rows (for context menu, for example).
[-] Bug fix: Wrong scalling of TElCheckBox when using TLMDTaskDialog as first Dialog.
[-] ElTree: Wrong processing of Drag&Drop in some special cases bug fix.
[-] TElXTree: Invalid check-box state drawing (ThemeMode = ttmNone, Checked TElXCellCheckbox, enabled := false) bug fix.
[-] TElTree: Small HTML related bug fix.

LMD GridPack

[+] Updating of inplace editor value when data is changed from outside has been implemented (dataset refresh, change by another DB control).
[+] SelectAll in text cell editor has been added (activating inplace editor via clicking; moving current cell by arrow keys; pressing Enter or F2 keys).
[+] SelectAll in text cell editor has been added (when shifting focus from another control on the form via standard Tab/Shift+Tab keys; also no text selection when editor was already focused via mouseclick)
[+] Placing cursor at the end of text on memo chooser showing.
[+] SelectAll in inplace editor after chooser hiding (on apply and cancel).
[*] Enter key behavior in text inplace editor has been improved (SelectAll; deselect); especially important for AlwaysShowEditor mode.
[*] Home/End keys behavior in text inplace editor has been improved (first key press will move cursor to the text begin/end correspondingly and will de-select possibly selected text, while the second key press will move focus to first/last column in the grid); especially important for AlwaysShowEditor mode.
[*] Tab/Shift+Tab key behavior has been changed (no more cycling between first and last positions; row appending when pressing tab key on the last cell of the last row; another row appending from modified appending row).
[*] Chooser now displays automatically starting from the current inplace edit value, not the current cell value.
[-] DBGrid: interoperation with connected dataset bugs have been fixed (switching focus to/from other db-contols connected to the same dataset; external dataset modification; inplace editor "modified" reporting in correct times; and many more issues have been fixed).
[-] Tab cell navigation bug has been fixed (inplace editor spontaneous showing/hiding).
[-] Canceling new un-modified row bugs have been fixed (via clicking on another row, via Up/Down key press, via Tab/Shift+Tab key press)
[-] Column re-ordering (via dragging) bug has been fixed.
[-] Ctrl+BackSpace key action has been deprecated. No more data editing without visible inplace editor.
[-] Text formatting sub-system and user events now really works with text only, using Variant to String (and vs) types.

Release 2018.1 (26-Mar-2018)

LMD Tools

[-] LMDPNGImage: ByteSwap bug fix.
[-] LMDXML: Small exception formatting bug has been fixed.
[-] TLMDCustomCheckListBox: SelectedFontColor bug fix.
[-] TLMDCheckListBox: Memory leak in bug has been fixed.

LMD ElPack

[-] ElCheckBox: Small drawing fix.
[-] ElPageControl: Drawing Enabled Tab with some disabled Tabs has been fixed in.
[-] TElDateTimePicker "control has no parent window" bug fix.
[-] ElTree, ElXTree: Printing and Previewing from ElXTree results in a right-truncated field bug fix.
[-] ElXTree: ElInplaceEditor raises Contol 'has no parent window' bug fix.

LMD GridPack

[-] TLMDDBGrid: Lookup chooser bug fix.
[-] TLMDGrid: Re-filling grid with new data in sorted state bug fix.

Release 2018.0 (22-Jan-2018)

First official release. This release is not the feature release update (which expected for April 2018), but the first release which uses the new git-based project structure. One of the major new features of the LMD 2018 release is access for all VCL Complete customers to the project sources which allow much faster access to new features and fixes.
