LMD 2010 - History LMD IDE-Tools

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This documents contains history logs for LMD IDE-Tools 3.0 and corresponding standalone packs.
First official release: 25-Aug-2009

Major version numbers are:
LMD IDE-Tools 3.0, LMD DesignPack 5.1, LMD ScriptPack 6.0, LMD SyntaxEdit 2.1

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

History Logs

Release 3.02 (02-Oct-2009)

[+] Dynamic properties support. Very simple to use; see OnDynPropsDefine, OnDynPropGetValue and OnDynPropSetValue events.

[+] New Modules collection has been added to the debugger. Items in the collection is of TLMDDebugModule class. A debug module is the abstract representation of the debugging module/source-file. It was added mainly to implement two following ideas: first, to allow to setup and maintain the breakpoints during design-time in the scripting-IDE (e.g. while the script project is not running and no script controls are exsist); and second, to allow to associate more then one script control with the same debug module at run-time (e.g. like more then one form of the same class can be created in Delphi application at run-time).
[*] Despite the old DebugName property is supported in the script control, its value is only a consequence of the new DebugModule property. The new DebugModule property should be used to associate a script control with the debug module.
[*] The breakpoints are now set on the debug module as a whole, not on the concrete script control. So, all associated with the module script controls will break at run-time.


[*] Some minor fixes.
[+] New advanced IDE demo shows new debugging features of the LMD-ScriptPack and new debug related IDE-Tools controls. Also this demo implements Delphi like layouts using LMD-DockingPack.

Release 3.01 (08-Sep-2009)

[-] BTS #0732: intermittent "Undeclared identifier"in PascalScript has been fixed.
[-] BTS #0731 and #0730: endless loop while parsing code has been fixed.
[-] BTS #0728: loosing some property values because of unproper form handle recreation in design-panel has been fixed.

Release 3.0 (25-Aug-2009)

Initial Release.