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== History Logs ==
== History Logs ==
==== Release 3.01 (08-Sep-2009) ====
[-] BTS #0732: intermittent "Undeclared identifier"in PascalScript has been fixed. <br>
[-] BTS #0731 and #0730: endless loop while parsing code has been fixed. <br>
[-] BTS #0728: loosing some property values because of unproper form handle recreation in design-panel has been fixed.<br>
==== Release 3.0 (25-Aug-2009) ====
==== Release 3.0 (25-Aug-2009) ====
Initial Release.
[+] Pascal script debugger: Native debugging of the PascalScript, including single-threading debugging. The single threading debugging allows to handle OnBreak event in the same thread; using Application.ProcessMessages inside the OnBreak event handler allows to organize single threading debugging of the event based (e.g. designed) UI applications.<br> [+] New AddOrSetValue and TryReadValue script control methods to add/modify/read the external variables of simple types, e.g. numeric, strings. E.g. to prevent creating and importing model in simple cases.<br> [+] New ReadVar/WriteVar script controls methods provide access to the script-code global variables.<br> [+] New DebugName script control property to represent the script control to the end user in the IDE-Tools debug-related UI controls, such as call-stack or breakpoint-list.<br> [*] Superior enhancement of the debugger breakpoints: Delphi like breakpoints actions - LogMessage/LogStackFrames/EvalExpression/EnableGroup/DisableGroup; Delphi like breakpoint properties - Enabled/Condition/PassCount/Group. These advanced concepts has been emulated for the ActiveX based scripting languages, and supported natively by the PascalScript debugger.<br> [*] The debug variables tree, e.g. TLMDVariables is now lazy initialized to prevent dead loop while working with complex circular referenced objects. This also allows optimizing resources when showing complex objects graphs or long arrays.<br> [*] Generated wrappers have been changed to provide types of properties (e.g. var-types) to the debugger.<br> [-] The bug with representing nil objects as a variant Null has been fixed. Now nil objects are represented in wrappers as a nil IDispatch, e.g. with varDispatch variant type.<br> [*] The importer parser has been enhanced: new incremental preprocessor are now able to interpret some of the $IF directives; the parser itself are now able to parse most of the new Delphi language constructs, like nested types/consts/vars, class properties, methods and properties in records, class helpers, ect. However, currently, most of the new constructs are only parsed, but not supported by the wrappers generator.<br> [+] New debugger related UI controls: TLMDCallStackView, TLMDCallStackComboBox, TLMDVariablesView, TLMDWatchView, TLMDEventLogView, TLMDBreakpointsView. All these controls are connectable to the debugger through easy to use TLMDDebuggerSource component.<br> [-] The bug with improper showing of non-visual components when ShowNonvisualComponents are set to False has been fixed.<br>
==== Release 3.01 (08-Sep-2009) ====
[-] The bug #0732: intermittent "Undeclared identifier"in PascalScript has been fixed. <br>
[-] The bug #0731 and #0730: endless loop while parsing code has been fixed. <br>
[-] The bug #0728: loosing some property values because of unproper form handle recreation in design-panel has been fixed.<br>

Revision as of 19:08, 8 September 2009

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This documents contains history logs for LMD IDE-Tools 3.0 and corresponding standalone packs.
First official release: 25-Aug-2009

Major version numbers are:
LMD IDE-Tools 3.0, LMD DesignPack 5.1, LMD ScriptPack 6.0, LMD SyntaxEdit 2.1

[+] Feature added
[*] Feature changed
[-] Bug fixed

History Logs

Release 3.01 (08-Sep-2009)

[-] BTS #0732: intermittent "Undeclared identifier"in PascalScript has been fixed.
[-] BTS #0731 and #0730: endless loop while parsing code has been fixed.
[-] BTS #0728: loosing some property values because of unproper form handle recreation in design-panel has been fixed.

Release 3.0 (25-Aug-2009)

Initial Release.